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PRIV D69 Old Domains

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Page no: D69

This is mother page for all old domains.


Our domains are the following:

Swiss sites


snbchf.com The site that explains the SNB balance sheet, FX and gold.

Different sites for future central banks in Switzerland under the domain centralbanks.org


Swissnationalbank.org redirects to snbchf.com

swissbusiness.link, currently not yet implemented. It wants to unify business opportunities in Switzerland and link people together.

schweizerdeutsch.rocks currently not yet implemented. It will be a site for teaching Swiss German.


Finance Sites

A finance site globalmacro.finance: This page will be used for marketing for the asset manager George Dorgan and managing assets for expats that are in Switzerland only for their work life, but leave Switzerland after that.

Some of them are registed at Netcup (see below), some at Gandi.
They are all registered on the name of the association that wants to prevent SNB debt.
“Verein zur Verhinderung der Überschuldung der SNB” (here at whois domain)


Domains registered at Netcup

Domains registered at Netcup


There is also george.dorgan.ch, a domain that is still at Gandi on a proper name for George.

Feed and author Sites

Different Feed Sites, one is economicblogs.org, one is swissmacro.chSwissmacro.ch will be finally only one of many feed sites under economicblogs.org

Those represent the core of our sites and business plan. They are now registered under E-llusion.org whois

authorrating.com is for measuring your author rating and your author SEO. We also developed the Follow Author Light plugin in the aim to increase Author visibility.

Subdomains of feed site

We will have seven subdomains of economicblogs.org

Full list of subdomains here.


Philosophy sites

Those sites are still experimental.


A philosophy site on the philosopher Wittgenstein called wittgenstein.rocks

russ.institute will try to integrate porn and philosophy


Subpages of this page

DNS and Hosting Providers

Transfer Domains

Whois Policy & Law


Editing the Hosts File

See more for D6x Domains & Contact