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O42 Structure: Menu, Album, Motherpage

Page no: O42

Structure: Menu, Album, Motherpage

What is on this page:

  • All about pages: Mother page and subpages
  • Blog Categories and Subcategories
  • To smaller extend Vimeo album and folders


Object Attribute (optional)
Action (optional)
Structure Main Menu Order
  • Attribute: Alphabetical Order
  • Action: Order Main Menu
Mother Pages, Albums/Subcategories
  • Attribute: Menu Levels
  • Attribute: Album vs Mother Page
  • Attribute: Album Categories
  • Attribute: Album Page
  • Attribute: Table Content
Changes to Structure
  • Action: Change Plugin Structure
Master Table (O40) Master Table (O40)
  • Attribute: Sync Master Table, Vimeo, Pcloud
  • Attribute: Category and Mother Page
  • Attribute: Master Table Changes
  • Attribute: Regular Menu Change


Videos and Pics

Menu Menu: Order

Main Menu has now Alphabetical Order

Order Main Menu

Order Main Menu Alphabetically Use Letter Number

Order Main Menu Alphabetically Use Letter Number
Order Main Menu Alphabetically Use Letter Number


Structure: Mother Page,Albums/Subcategories

Three Levels

  • Level1 Main Menu
  • Level2: Albums synced with Vimeo albums, Pcloud Folders
  • Level3: Normal Pages


Other levels are NOT allowed.


Album Categories

Video Name: Category Album Motherpage sync

Video Link to Trello

Album vs. Mother Page of the Album

Level2: Album is a bit more detailed than in the overview.

  • Mother Page of the album.
  • “Album cat”: Subcategory = Album Name (same as in Vimeo/Pcloud)
  • Subcategory is primary.
  • Number Most often mother page uses Zero at end, album uses X




The mother page of an album


Pages Need two categories

All mages have to have 2 categories attached. First category is mother category and second one is subcategory.

Pages Need two categories
Pages Need two categories

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Subcategory Main Menu

Album as subcategory of main menu


Album Page

Menu Album Page

(no trello card)

Trello Summary: Empty

Rules for menu, Main menu, album page, pages.

Album Level

No new pages at album level

Team never creates an album at Level 2, but must add “Trello rows” for existing normal pages (level 3).

Sometimes they create new pages (only at Level3 !). They must find a mother page, which is an album main page.


Missing Mother Pages

Create all missing  mother pages

Video Link to Trello

Trello Summary: Empty

How to create mother pages.

Number of Album Mother page

Albums page numbers zero non zero

Alphabetically or Digit?

  • Some mother pages for albums have a zero at the end
    –> Page Numbers use digits: O31, O32, O33
  • Some do have other numbers – (many pages in this menu)
    –> Use Page numbers, use letters: P08a, P08b,…

Albums Page Numbers Zero non Zero
Albums Page Numbers Zero non Zero

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Feedback For Album

Wrong only albums at level 2

Wrong: Only Albums at Levels



Area Albums
Organisation albums: O1x, O2x, .. Album mother pages with Zero, pages use digits 1,2,3
Sales albums: S1x, S2x,.. Album mother pages with Zero, pages use digits
Concept albums: C02x, C03x, C2x, C3x, C4x Both with Zero (C02, C03) and without Zero (C20, C30)
Plugins Albums: P1x, P2x, P3x,
Album mother page without Zero, pages use letters
(.) –> Changed
Graphical Eliminate Album mother page with Zero, pages use digit



Level 3, Pages with Digits at End
Level 3, Pages with Digits at End

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FeedWP F1x, F2x, F3x Album mother page with Zero, pages use numbers
Syndication Tools Album mother page with zero, pages use digits
Media: Album mother page with Zero, pages use digits
Regular SNBCHF Album mother page with Zero, pages use digits


Level3 Pages with Letters at End: Old Format for Plugins


Menu Structure

Menu structure Mother Page

Menu structure Mother Page
O42 Menu structure Mother Page

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Table Content

Table of Content and Chapters in Sync

Table of Content and Chapters in Sync
O42 Table of Content and Chapters in Sync

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Master table O40

Sync Master Table, Vimeo and Pcloud

Master Table, Vimeo and Pcloud

Video Link to Trello

Trello Summary: Empty

This video explain how to sync Master table, Sync Vimeo, Pcloud.

Category and Mother Page

Same Names Cat, Mother page, Pcloud, Vimeo

Video Link to Trello

Trello Summary:

  • Category on the blog master, when George says changed cat name –> Verify category on O42
  • Mother page must have same name as Category/Album (exception words and, &)
  • Number Mother page same (except 0 at end) and Category (except X at end)
  • Plcoud folder must have same name as Category/Album (exception words and, &)
  • Create empty folders in Vimeo
  • Create empty folders in Pcloud

New Categories

Sync Mother Pages against Subcategory

Sync Mother Pages against Subcategory
Sync Mother Pages against Subcategory

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Master Table Changes

Master Table Change Update When

Video Link to Trello

Trello Summary: Empty

O42: Video: Sync Pcloud and Vimeo

Video Link to Trello

Trello Summary:

  • Sync Page numbers between Vimeo and Pcloud, write into column task2 (orange color)  –> In most case rename in Pcloud
  • Mostly Vimeo is correct (real master is blog)


Vimeo Video Search

Search for video

R65 –> wrong category

write into column (orange)


Search for video
О42 Search for video

- Click to enlarge



YYY for Missing Videos

Missing videos in Vimeo:
Write YYY, into table

Write YYY into table for missing videos
O42 Write YYY into table for missing videos

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Regular Menu Change Log in O40

  • Look at red text in the page
  • Number Changed: Change video number
  • Name of Menu item Changed –> Change in Vimeo Pcloud
  • For red items check if link to category still works, if not correct it
  • When done change –> Write DONE after red text
  • George double-checks it

Red Text in Master Table

Cleanup Pages Feedback

(no trello card)

Trello Summary: Empty

We need to control all pages, when we write every change about the pages in doc site.

In O42. We have to write which is motherpage, which is album… everything about the pages in doc site, not only the red texts in pages which are written from George.

Sync Blog Categories with Blog pages

Video Link to Trello

Trello Summary: Empty


  • Category
  • Pages, Mother Page
(December 12)


Changes to Structure

Change Organisation (O) into Blog Design (D)

Category Moved Rename Pages Vimeo Pcloud

Video Link to Trello

Trello Summary: Empty

Moving category from one place in menu to another. Here are the steps to do that:

  1. Rename the page title. For example: “O” to “D”.
  2. Update the master table at O40.
  3. Rename the videos in Vimeo  and Pcloud.
  4. Move videos to right Pcloud folder based on the new name.
  5. Move videos into right Vimeo album and folder.


Change Plugin Structure

Reorganize menus, Pages: Example Plugins

Video Link to Trello

Trello Summary: Empty

Videos might be about changing structure

This video is the first video on the organization of Album (pages) and Normal pages.

  • All menu items must be short keywords, only 3 words.
  • Trello Card is a doc row or (sometimes) doc chapter/section.
  • Put new Trello into existing Doc Pages, if such a page exists.
  • Attention, before creating new pages –> Check if already exists (George is sometimes wrong).
  • Numbering the pages: Always under an album
  • Splitting a page for same plugin.

About this page: Cleanup

video waiting



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