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W22 Mobile SNBCHF

Page no: W22


This page is the requirements page for mobile snbchf.com and other mobile sites.



The WP Touch page presents the WP Touch theme/plugin and some alternatives.

Mobile snbchf issue: Weekly sight Deposits

Trello link

Mobile snbchf issue: Weekly sight Deposits
Mobile snbchf issue: Weekly sight Deposits

- Click to enlarge

Old requirement) The Mobile Home Page has “category buttons” instead of a plain text. 

WP Touch: Category buttons

The homepage on snbchf.com shows plain text about Austrian economics and the change of the Swiss National Bank after January15, 2015. This is OK because users can choose the menu or the widget with recent content. This is not good in the mobile site because the screen is not big enough to see the menu and the widget. On a mobile device the screen is much smaller. There is no room for widgets, it is only one column.

The menu function on mobile is a “stupid” button, where one can switch to the menu items. But we think that this button is not user-friendly. Therefore we implement a button for each category on the mobile site.

Till now we have buttons with a text for the mobile site.

Swissinfo External Link

Swissinfo External Link
Swissinfo External Link

- Click to enlarge




Alternative 1:Pictured Category Widget for Mobile

Instead of the archive, show the pictured category widgets from the desktop homepage, This is the same approach Sahifa does for mobile.

We finally decided to use this alternative.

[Screenshot: New SNBCHF Mobile Home Page]

[Screenshot: Widget for Mobile Touch in backend]

Alternative 2: Current Archive

Keep the current archive for showing the posts. Potentially increase the image size.

Alternative 3: Categories as slideshows

We would like to show the posts/pages as a slideshow. Example is expcapital.com
For each post/page in the archive, we show a slide. Each slide contains :

  • Title of the post/page
  • Featured image (not full screen, far smaller than in expcapital)
  • Excerpt
  • Follow Author box with channels

Each slide is displayed for some seconds. How many is configurable.

Alternative4: Pictured Category Tiles

In January 2016, we changed the mobile design. One possibility for the homepage is pictured category tiles that shows the category picture, category name and smaller author picture inside the tile.

Pictured Category Tiles

It needs to be discussed which alternative is best.

  1. The pictured category widgets.
  2. Normal archive (no change)
  3. Slideshow with the posts.
  4. Pictured Category Tiles
  5. Give the user a choice between slideshow and normal archive
  6. Show slideshow on phones and normal archive or widgets on Pads.


My impression is the following:

We need bigger images: Mobile users are very much image-driven (more than desktop users). The images in the mobile archive are currently too small.  So we should aim for a problem where the images are bigger. Slideshow has definitely the biggest images, even they should not be full-screen.

Counter-argument: Most snbchf users still use desktop, because the content is quite complicated. We should limit our effort on mobile. Therefore it might be enough to increase the size of images in the archive.



Our plugin Pictured Categories and Archives is now ready. Instead of showing categories we show many pictured category boxes in nearly the same way as on Desktop.

Pictured Category Tiles

2) Category page versus category archive  

The mobile site uses category archives instead category pages. The buttons on the mobile home page point to the category archives.

In the footer menu of snbchf we can see the difference:


We also point to the category archives when the user chooses a menu item in the mobile menu.


WP Touch: Category page

3) Text of Mobile page starts with featured image 

In the theme/plugin WPTouch, each mobile page starts with an image. After that the text of the page comes.

WP Touch has a default configuration that posts and pages start with a featured image. On many pages, snbchf.com already starts with an image. This implies that on the mobile site there are two images.

  1. Featured image
  2. The image from snbchf.com

We opt not to show the feature image and override this default.

4) Full site / mobile site button

All mobile sites have the problem that the switch button between mobile and full site is on the very bottom.
We do not like it, even if users might be used to it.

We might need a plugin that:

  1. Puts the button on any position, as the user (programmer) likes.
  2. That recognizes the device and chooses Desktop or Mobile based on the device

Possibly we could even sell this plugin.

The second is somehow a default and the reader can modify the choice again.


When I open Investing.com on a Desktop , it gives me the mobile site by default. This is very bad.

The Software must be intelligent enough to understand which device the Reader uses.

Show “Mobile Version” Text:

We also show the text “Mobile Version”, so that the user clearly knows which version he is looking at.

Function 2) is already integrated in WP Touch

Mobile desktop version buttons

WP Touch: Mobile / desktop version buttons

5) Featured & Recent Widget content on desktop site should be visible on mobile site

Add  “Recent Posts” Screenshot

We do not add a “recent posts” because we have the same functionality now in each of our pictured categories – but for each category/author.



6) See all Posts button


This shows all posts for a certain category, for example for SNB.


Update November 11,2015:

We switch to the default category archives instead of category pages before.We eliminate the See all Posts button.

all posts




  1. Featured Image is now there but huge!!
    Hence we have a huge featured Image while the other Images are too small
    We preferred to have no featured Image so that I can set the size inside the page–> DONE



  1. Check if youtube works on the mobile site, example: This Post
    –> DONE, issue was the browser used on IPad



  1. Graphene Message blocks do not work on mobile
    –> DONE


  1. Integrate our adverts plugin in WP Touch
    –> DONE
  1. We need bigger buttons for sharing than we have now
    This means a mobile version of Share button Light.  Sahifa has good buttons
  1. it must be possible to zoom in and out on mobile
    –> Done

Linked Videos inside Description

Videos inside description should show as link

In both Desktop and Mobile



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