R04 Choice of Post

Page no: R04


Author Corrections


  1. add the missing categories
  2. Add syndication.ecoblogs
  3. Fill the table
    1. Category Old: Use text “/category/xxx” with link to full URL (including economicblogs.org)
    2. Category Prefix, see some examples that I have done.
      Single-Author blogs
      : We use the family name for the category. “weiner austrian.economicblogs.org
      Multi-Author blog: Name of the blog “woods-show.austrian.economicblogs.org
    3. Author Profile Old: Write URL of author profile for main author (example “/author/max-keiser”)
      Example full URL: austrian.economicblogs.org/author/max-keiser
    4. Author Profile Corrected: Use /author/<FirstName>-<LastName> as in the examples I did
      Example full URL:
      Do not use the second first name or the abbreviation of the second first name.
      Do not use nick names.
      Example URL: austrian.economicblogs.org/author/robert-murphy
      Example: Robert-Murphy but not Robert-P-Murphy and not bob.murphy (Bob is a nickname)
    5. Author Profile Prefix: Use <FirstName>-<LastName>.austrian … <FirstName>-<LastName>.heterodox, etc.
      The name of the author comes first
      Example URL: robert-murphy.austrian.economicblogs.org/
    6. Add the full links behind all “Corrected” and “Profile Prefix”.
    7. Check bios etc like before

Screenshot & Video


Priority Do not Use any more

Step1: Which post to make ready? Use the following priority of posts

Input: Prio and Ecographs     

Output: Your decision if you make the post ready


Write into  graphs column if there is a video.


Category: SNB

Good Authors: George Dorgan, Keith Weiner, Claudio Grass, Frank Shostak, Bawerk,

Our regular posts: FX Daily, Weekly Preview, Speculative Positions, Weekly Sight Deposits

Others: Bi-weekly Economic Report


Prio2: Swiss feeds

Investec/Le News/ Swiss Info, Lilian


  • → Verify if it is when about economy/business,
    do not publish for example Swiss Eating Insects
  • Swissinfo: Keywords: Tax, Pension, Real Estate
  • Marc Meyer,
  • Swiss Statistics (only Inflation, retail sales,unemployment, labor, wages),
  • Switzerland & Gold


words Negative Rates, Helicopter Money, Gold Standard, Europe

Authors: Tenebrarum, Chandler only when he has a graph
→ We must find graph


Step1: Which post to make ready? Use the following priority of posts
Step1: Which post to make ready? Use the following priority of posts

What does the prio and Ecographs/Good Charts tell you ? → It tells you if you should make this post ready. - Click to enlarge


Prio4:  All other categories

Lowest Prio → Decide: (this includes gold and Chandler)

  • if they have nice eco graphs
  • if you see our keywords in the economic graphs
  • If they have many Swiss words (the category is NOT enough)→ They become prio 2!

if they have some SNB or Swiss National Bank words → They become prio1!
→ if they have CHF or Swiss Franc → They become prio1!

Jeffrey Snider (Prio 4, but many graphs):

Choose the posts where you know the tags.
You can look on Snider Archive on Economic Blogs:

Durden / Zerohedge: Only when many Swiss words (old rule):

Swiss words are also Swiss companies like UBS, Credit Suisse, Nestle, Novartis, Logitech

Copy into Daily FX: Swiss Forecast

No Prio: Other (also Swiss Statistics on other themes)

(Apr 06, 2017)

Posts Priority by People

Change priority of newsletters

Newsletter: You can change the time of the post so it moves up or down

  • Double Checks on Category Widget, if all is OK (see screenshot for a problem: Gold post is inside Swiss National Bank)
  • Zerohedge Switzerland feed: if it has more words about Swiss or Switzerland then in news about Swiss, otherwise put into debt and paper money
  • New posts first: First is New Post, older posts go to the bottom
  • Top Prio: George Dorgan, Swiss National Bank,
  • Second Prio: Switzerland, Swiss, CHF
  • Third Prio: Gold, Gold Standard, FX Trends, Helicopter Money, Negative Rates
  • Fourth Prio: Others (Global Macro) Hugh smith, Austrian, Debt, ZH
  • For the others the decision is made based on number of economic graphs!!

Order Posts Swiss SNB first

- Click to enlarge


Gold Newsletter Less Graphs

We are publishing only posts with many graphs not less than 2 or 3.

Gold Newsletter Less Graphs
Gold Newsletter Less Graphs

- Click to enlarge

Priorities no need to write

New way of working, no need to write priorities and all stuffs about posts.

Priorities no need to write
Priorities no need to write

- Click to enlarge

Step2: When do you publish? Rules for Publishing

These rules tells you which “ready post” you should publish today
Input: The posts and their categories               Output: Your decision what to publish today.

  • 6 per day
    • If possible one for each of the categories one post
      1 SNB / CHF (Prio 1)

      • 2 Swiss Markets, Swiss Macro  (They are prio 2)
      • 1 or 2 Daily FX and other Chandler (Prio 3)
      • 1 or 2 Global Macro (United States and Emerging Markets), 2 only sometimes (exception)     (Prio 3 or 4 with many graphs)
      • 1 or 0 Austrian (debt) (Prio 4)
      • 1 or 0 Gold Price (Prio 4) / Gold Standard (Prio3)   (urgent does not important!!)
      • Often there is 0 posts for one category.
    • Avoid 3 posts of same categories on same day.
  • Publish oldest posts first (except all Chandler posts, chandler must come more quickly)
  • Only one post by same author per day (Exception Chandler: Daily FX does not count)

Step2: When do you publish? Rules for Publishing
Step2: When do you publish? Rules for Publishing

- Click to enlarge

Rules for Swiss Info, LeNews

1) Look at tags:

  • Yes: Business, Property→ Make Ready
  • No: Sci &Amp Tech (Science & Technology), Sports, Culture, Human Interest, Environment, Weather, Law and order
  • Politics: Usually not, George will decide

2) Look at words in title and text

When you see: Tax, Income, Costs, Economy, Bank, Finance, Market, Companies –>  Make Ready
When you see many numbers → Make Ready
When Switzerland is compared the other countries → Make Ready

3) Copy Video from you tube

This is their YouTube Channel: Copy video when u publish post.

Example: This post has a video: They have usually the same

4) Check how long is the post
If it is short (like less than 50 words) then write short post into category column

No Monday Morning newsletter, if George has no time for SNB Sight Deposits

Tags: Do not use the tag “Swiss National Bank” or “SNB” any more.

Tags must be more detailed, like “SNB interventions”

Featured Image: Choose (Beauty) Image that corresponds to Title

Rule1: Use a beauty image

Rule2: If there is a text in image then better use text related to post title.

In this example, the featured image had text “Helicopter Money”.
But the post was about “Incrementum Advisory Board”.

So we better choose an image that is related to the title.

We will soon have a better functionality for featured image.

Featured Image, No Click to Enlarge needed

(January 14, 2017)

Posts Publication Time

Posts Publication Time
Posts Publication Time

- Click to enlarge

Older Videos and Explanation

Video / Image

1) Choice of Posts (Video)

Team works mostly on Drafts

The team works on drafts only unless you do not have enough posts
Then you look in Private and publish them with today’s date and newsletter

PRIVATE and Sunday posts
We must always have enough posts in Private so that we can publish every day 5-6 posts

On Saturday we prepare Sunday posts with the correct Sunday date and newsletter tag
–> Move to Status PRIVATE

– D Draft, you can delete –> Move to Trash
– DR keep draft into the title –> Move to Zap do not resyndicate, they often have nice graphs, so we do not delete

Publish 6 posts per day with newsletter date
General rule
– 3 posts with tiny tables (minimum 3 rows)
– 3 simple posts (without tiny tables)

or 5 posts with tiny tables

– if we have less than 5/6 new posts –>
Choose some of the PRIVATE posts, Edit them and publish them with today’s date

– if we have too many posts –> leave them in status DRAFT, George will decide.

(October 25, 2016)

(January 14, 2017)

(January 14, 2017)

(January 14, 2017)



See more for R0x Post Choice