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Y35 Media Tools

Page no: Y35



Video and Pics
WordPress plugin directory: Media Tools

Author’s plugin page: Media Tools page

A set of tools to help manage your media library.

Big improvements are coming to the WordPress media library in 3.5. If your not using the media library this plugin will import all the external images found in your posts or pages and import them into the media library and attach them.

This plugin will help you convert from using Timthumb to WordPress built in featured image / post thumbnail support

The Tools

  • Import and attach – imports and attaches all external referenced images in your posts
  • Set Featured Image – finds the first attached image to post and sets it as the featured image
  • Add post thumbnail support to your site
  • Set additional thumbnail sizes

Control and filter the import script by post type, author, date range, or category.

Ajax interface that imports, attaches and sets featured images with one click. Integrates with the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin to regenerate thumbnail crops based on newly selected image sizes.

Vist http://c3mdigital.com/wordpress for more plugin information.

Wordpress Media Tools
Wordpress Media Tools


Current Registered


Swiss ecoblogs Redirect Media to Attachment Page

It was not an redirect to the same attachment page. When there is missing image, the wordpress search and give similar page. It is not an redirect.

MediaTools Images are broken

We have run media tools and on Swiss.ecoblogs the images are broken.
Test on all blogs. Check if images with author media tools are broken

Test this going through the media library, page by page.

Images are broken
Images are broken


Media Tools Testing Again

Feedback for Ecoblog testing

You describe two big issues with the images in the video, there is a reason for them:

1) We have lazyload (https://appelsiini.net/projects/lazyload/) plugin, which loads images when you scroll to the image. When we have big home page with a lot of images and big sidebar, the lazyload does not load the image from the first time. We have too many request to the images and it loads first main content, then sidebar. In these cases the lazyload just show blank, white page. Solutions are two:

1) I hope with the new bigger server the issues will be gone.

2) If not, we should get rid of lazyload

3) If this does not help, we should sprite the images (https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_image_sprites.asp)

The second issue is what we see since we execute the media tools:

Many images (which are working before) currently does not load, which is an issue. The guys report the bug to me, because they thought that it is a server issue and I told them to ignore this bug, until I found out from where it comes. Because of that it is not reported. After investigation, I did not find any problem with MediaTools.

Feedback comments

1) The tasks for Execution Syndication Tools were before the tasks Main problems on Ecoblogs (not done yet). When you add the Ecoblogs tasks, the syndication tools task are already in progress and they were about 60% ready.

2) We strictly follow your sprint and you does not want to execute something on all blogs, without testing.

3) The chunks on this server are needed. They are too many posts and the process will stop executing.

4) We have 7-10 MediaTools chunks, because otherwise it stops on 50- 80% due to performance issues. We tried first without chunks, but after more than 5 hours of waiting, it just stops.

5) The responsibility about priority and the order by the tasks is done by George, so the team just do the tasks.

Media Tools Custom user

Currently we can use MediaTools only from user called MediaTools, because otherwise MediaTools starts adding all images by the user, which is currently using Media Tools.

For example: If George is using MediaTools, all media, which is uploaded by MediaTools will be from author George.

Media Tools Custom user
Media Tools Custom user


Media Tools Bug

Logs: Media file log

Estimate: 3 or 4 days

Competition analysis:  no suitable competitor


See more for sYndication Tools