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O47 Screenshots and Text Upload

George Morgan
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Page no: O47

Screenshots and Text Upload on Doc Pages

This page is about uploading

  • Screenshots upload from our Latest Sprint Folder
  • Text upload from Trello, for example Detailed Checklists

For upload of video on doc page see page O48


Copy Doc from Pages


Page Number Who
make sure that the page number is correct George (niki)
Compare Trello Card to Doc Page

  • Left side Trello
  • Right side Doc page


Copy Checklists
    if one Checklist  are already on page
—> Do nothing for this checklist

Copy all

Create Row

For each Checklist create row

  • Checklist name is Heading4
  • (formatting needed, bold, CSS)

Delete Trello Admin Items

Delete “100%”



Update the status to Doc Page


Video and Screens


Video name: Overview Upload media and Detailed Checklists

Video Link to Trello

Improved version as 2019 January:

1. Chapters

  • Go into latest Sprint Folder
  • Take the folder name
  • If Chapter exists then use it
  • Create new Chapter on Bottom of the page

2. Upload and archive images and videos

  • Aim: Get empty Latest Sprint Folder
  • Upload by Folder into right Chapter
  • Image must have correct name
  • Dot must be set
  • Archive the image, video into Doc Site folder

3. Detailed Checklists or Trello Summary

  • Title of the checklist in Bold or H5
  • Copy the detailed Checklists to the existing image / video on the left side
  • Change Checklist Name from (doc) to (Copied)

Upload Folder

!!!Latest Sprint

We use the Latest Sprint as upload folder.


Video name: Upload Screens Find Page Before Doing Task

Video Link to Trello

Private Video

Video name: Cleanup Latest Sprint before Doing Task
Video Link to TrelloPrivate VideoSummary:

  • Watch new videos
  • Decide for which page is the video –> what George explains in the video
  • Watch and understand the video –> Propose doc page for all videos when they are watched
  • George must approve the proposal
  • When everything is approved –> start uploading videos

Page and Place:

Use Chapter Name as Folder Name

George Defines the page number and chapter.

The team must verify the page

  • Preconditions: Page must exist, Chapter, H2 must exist, Section, H4 usually exist
  • Verify Category based on keywords
  • George gives page number, verify if OK with keywords
  • If Page number is strange –> Find the page yourself
  • Tell George when page or chapter does not exist
  • if George does not answer –> Ask Niki
  • Find H4 Section Name in existing page
  • Never create a new page!!, unless inside Folder name C15(new page)
  • Never put screenshots without Chapter

Page Number as Folder Name (old Way)

Latest Sprint Folders Problem

  • So many files
  • It is complicated
  • A lot of numbers

Latest Sprint Folders Problem
O47 Latest Sprint Folders Problem

- Click to enlarge

Page Number as Folder Name in Latest Sprint

  • We now use a folder with the name of the page


  • Easy to see page numbers which you have to edit
  • No page numbers in screenshot’s titles
  • Not necessary to edit again the screenshot to remove the page number

Latest Sprint Folders Solution
О47 Latest Sprint Folders Solution

- Click to enlarge



Old Video: Page Number as Folder Name in Latest Sprint

Trello task


  • use page number as folder name (old way, now we use chapter names!)
  • use the right image size
  • how to use chapters and sections
  • caption dot on all images
  • use media library: rename the images based on image
  • Duplicated videos has special folder


Chapters that it talks about:

  • Image Name (other page)
  • Page and Place
  • Media inside Posts
  • Media Library
Video: Using Page Number as folder name
Video Link to TrelloTrello Summary:

  • use page number as folder name (old way, now we use chapter names!)
  • Screenshots do not have page number any more, no need to rename
  • Do not want page number in screenshots
  • You have uploaded files
  • Sync Trello Task with Folder Name (see Trello Chapter)
  • Empty folders remain. Delete them



  • Duplicated Videos –> into Duplicated folder, Run Antitwin
  • No upload folder when there is no page.
  • Attribute: Folder Name
  • Attribute: Category (part of folder name)
  • Action: Move from Upload Folder to Archive Folder
Move from Upload Folder to Archive Folder
When upload pic to doc site, move folder from Latest Sprint (upload folder) to Doc Site Archive Folder

Upload to DocSite Folders
O47 Upload to DocSite Folders

- Click to enlarge

Archive Doc Site Folders After Move

Doc Site Folders After Move
Doc Site Folders After Move

- Click to enlarge


Trello link

Trello summary:

  • Folders with Page Number inside Archive Folder
    we may order old images into the right folder
  • How to move media from Upload into Archive Folder

Watch this video and tell me the object and the right chapter

Object is Archive folder (where to move folder after upload files)

Right Chapter is Archive Folder

Upload and Archive Folder

Video link to trello

Trello Summary:  Empty


Detailed Checklists

Text and screenshots in sync


Move Text To Screen
O49 Move Text To Screen

- Click to enlarge


Media Upload All Images must have caption

Before finishing the page team if the dot is set for each image.

Full chapter



For all Images Use Caption Dot
O41 For all Images Use Caption Dot

- Click to enlarge

Missing Functionality

Always set Caption to Dot.

Font Size

Font Size and Image Size do not use H4 for image name

When uploading the images, use the same font and image size.

File Name Screenshots and Section Chapter
File Name Screenshots and Section Chapter

- Click to enlarge

H4 Image Name not Allowed

H4 Image Name not Allowed
H4 Image Name not Allowed

- Click to enlarge

Upload Media in two Pages

ScreenShot Upload Same Media Two Pages


Screenshot Upload Same Media Two Pages
O47 ScreenShot Upload Same Media Two Pages

. - Click to enlarge

Sync Trello Task name with Folder Names

Dummy Tasks

We use the upload dummy tasks for checking our tasks.

They have checklists for what we do.

Media Upload to Doc Pages
O47 Media Upload to Doc Pages

- Click to enlarge


Sync Trello Task with Folder Name


Have to create trello tasks based on sprint folders. They have to be in Sync.

  • Trello Number
  • Page Number
  • Folder Name with the page number

Latest Sprint Upload Trello Column
O47 Latest Sprint Upload Trello Column

- Click to enlarge



Older Videos on Latest Sprint Folder from Pcloud


Images to Pcloud

We always upload  images to

Sync with Doc Site


Sync Pcloud with Master table


This video explain how to sync Pcloud folder with the master table  and the doc pages.

99 Folders on Doc Site and Pcloud


This video explains the “99” folders in pCloud and “99” pages in Doc site.

  • O99
  • S99
  • C99
  • ..,

Pcloud Video Rename

Pcloud Sync with Blog

Pcloud Sync with Blog
M82 Pcloud Sync with Blog

- Click to enlarge

Older changes

Images folders move into video folders

We use one single folder for images and videos now,

Input Pages (00)


Move all videos from Input pages (00) into right pcloud and page.

The Video for images into video folders.


Media for Sprint Backlog



  • !Upload Pending and
  • !Upload Later

by menu : 0 Orga.. 99 Computer

Use subcategories like CM2x if many images for one subcategory.


Sprint media

- Click to enlarge

Order into folders: Upload Pending, Later

. - Click to enlarge

Upload Pending Later

- Click to enlarge

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