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D46 Biweekly (old)

Page no: D46


We make twice a month report of some of the most important parts of the site.



Tasks that can be done regular on any blog

1) Security: Failed logins

We store any attempted login in the admin panel. We make regular checks how many hack attempts we have for the last 2 weeks. Sometimes the plugin stops working. So we also check if it works correctly.

failed login

Bi-weekly: Failed Login

2) Security: Hidden backend

Backend WP Admin is not allowed

Bi-weekly: Hidden backend

3) Security: Brute Force- Whitelist

The backend of the blog(s) are secured with an IP Whitelist. Only registered IP addresses can log in.
We need to check that this Whitelist works. The test case is to do the following:
Step 1: Login into the server with a Whitelisted IP on one browser
Step 2: Delete own IP address from the White List
Step 3: Try to log in with a different browser. The expected result is that the login attempt is rejected for this IP.
If the login attempt is not rejected, we need to report this as bug.
An example of a bug is here on the WP support pages.

Brute Force Whitelist

Bi-weekly: Brute Force Whitelist blocked access

4) Backups

The most important thing is to have backup of the site in every moment. Often you have to restore the site, because of the server or of mistake. Also it is important all your backups to be stored on different location than your server. We use two different locations – amazon cloud and custom cloud. We backup our data base of both of the site – every day. All the content (the code of the site and the images) we backup weekly. After every biweekly report, we also make a manual backup to our custom cloud.

4a) Put it on pcloud

Our work is to check and be sure that the backups are on the p-cloud.

4b) Delete backups after upload to pcloud

Bi-weekly: Backups

Bi-weekly: Backups

5) Performance issues

For Google (SEO) and for the user (Low bounce rate) is important to visit a site, which is fast enough (no more than 3s. for load). We make tests on every biweekly report with different tools like zoompf, pingdom, webpagespeed and etc. If there is problem, we document it. And after that we work on problem.


Bi-weekly: Performance issue from ZoomPF


Bi-weekly: Performance report from Pingdom


Bi-weekly: Performance issues from WebPageTEST

6) Table format

For our tables in the site, we use plugin called TablePress. We already had some style changes of the design of the table. Sometimes on update the changes disappear. We monitoring all our tables and if the code disappear. we restore it.

Example here on snbchf.


Bi-weekly: TableFormat

7) Broken links

We use a plugin called Broken Link Checker, which monitoring every day all the links (internal and external) in the site. We check the number of the links and put them in report.

The doc for fixing broken links.

Broken link

Bi-weekly: Broken Links

8) Attachment pages

All media files, we added had a single page called attachment page. Sometimes (after updating the Yoast SEO Plugin) the attachment pages

We check if the attachment pages (of media files) are fine. Working fine, titles and descriptions are okey, too.

Attachment pages

Bi-weekly: Attachment pages

9) Feeds

Rss feeds are important part of every website. We have to maintenance our and be always perfect. We have to check, if every post have excerpt. We also have to check about the limit of the feed.


Bi-weekly: Feed

10) Width and Height proportions

One of the most important thing is the right proportion of Width & Height. Our template by default has different style for proportions. We need to correct the template every time when it is updated. We regularly check, if there is any problem.

Width and Height proportions

Bi-weekly: Width and Height proportions

11) Upgrade Plugins and WordPress to latest version 

Upgrade WordPress to latest version, provided that this version is not brandnew. It should be at least one week old.

Regular Upgrade

Bi-weekly: Regular Upgrade

12) Backup of Mailpoet Newsletter

It needs to be copied regularly, because it is easy to delete it in the backend.

13) Export imported tables

We should export the imported tables from Tablepress, which are: Doc task table and Author go live table

14) Check disk space

We need to monitor and take actions, if the disk space is more than 60% of disk space of the server.

disk space






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