H87 Computer Files Backup

George Morgan
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Page no: H87


Advantages Clouds Incremental
Issues Screen
Handy Backup Email

Registry Backups

Amazon, S3, Dropbox, Google,OneDrive,WebDav,Box,
Mail Ru,4Shared, FTP
Pcloud Pcloud only


Video and Pics


Incremental Baxckup


Handy Backup

Concerns: Registration NVCEWYK6M7Z8R4DF, Version 64-bit march 29,2021

Dear Team,

I am doing incremental backups of a big folder.

I woud like to know how the restore works.

I would like to be able to choose:

  1. The date to which I restore
  2. Which files and folders to restore.
  3. Where to restore.

When I start the restore procedure however, I cannot choose anything of the 3.
I starts overrriden existing files, without asking.

Could you help please. Do you have documentation pages?



on H85




It appears that Pcloud Backup copies files from your computer into Pcloud.
As opposed to Pcloud Sync, this is probably one-way.

Pcloud Sync: When I delete something on the synched files on Pcloud, it gets deleted on the local PC.
Pcloud Backup: When I delete something in the backup, the files on the local computer are Not deleted.

Pcloud Issues

Thank you for this new functionality.
I have various questions on the backup. The documentation for now seems to be very poor.
It appears that Pcloud Backup copies files from your computer into Pcloud.
As opposed to Pcloud Sync, this is probably one-way.Pcloud Sync (two-way):  When I delete something on the synched files on Pcloud, it gets deleted on the local PC.
Pcloud Backup (one-way): When I delete something in the backup on Pcloud, the files on the local computer are Not deleted.
Further testing results:
I am already using Pcloud Sync and redirection of Windows folder to achieve a similar functionality.
For example, my videos folder is already on Pcloud.

2) Backup has not started yet for the active backup folders, that I created 45 minutes ago.
“The backup will run continuously in the background and will update to the cloud in real-time.”
according to your documentation.
When can I expect that it starts?
3) Is it doing an incremental backup and how?
Beware that your competitors like IDrive or Handybackup have far better documentation here.4) I strongly fear poor performance, when backing folders with many files.
This is what I experienced already when using Pcloud Sync.
Once the initial sync/backup is ready, however, it should be OK.


Deleted Files

Pcloud brings error messages, when files that are part of the backup get deleted.
Given that we are using our portable programs folder, this is perfectly normal.


We work along the existing exclusion list.




See more for H8x Files on NAS