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TO05 Comp Doc Pages

George Morgan
My articles
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Page no: TO05

Area Related Pages



Area Album (sub) Category on Blog


Trello Board


Parent/Mother page for category Vimeo Album / Collection

stop doing

Vimeo Folder

stop doing

cloud Path folder Sync
Old Number Missing Media, Red Text,
New Page Number
Computer Maintenance Album (sub) Category on Blog Computer Parent/Mother page for category Vimeo Album / Collection Vimeo Folder Sync Path folder Sync
Pages renamed Missing Media, Red Text,
New Page Number
CM0x Disk Space CM00 Disk Space CM0x Disk Space CM0x Disk Space
CM1x Windows CM10 Windows CM1x Windows CM1x Windows CM_Computer\CM1x Windows
CM2x Software CM20 Software CM2x Software CM2x: Software CM_Computer\CM2x Software
CM3x Portable Software CM30 Portable Software CM3x Portable Software CM3x Portable Software CM_Computer\CM3x Portable Software
CM4x Remote CM40 Remote CM40 Remote CM40 Remote CM_Computer\CM4x Remote
CM5x Privacy Security CM50 Privacy Security CM5x Privacy Security CM5x Privacy & Security CM_Computer\CM5x Privacy & Security
CМ8x Registry CM80 Windows Registry
CM9x Communication CM90 Communication
CM99 Computer Menu Cleanup CM99 Computer Menu Cleanup No Video
Album (sub) Category on Blog Files Parent/Mother page for category Vimeo Album / Collection Vimeo Folder Sync Path folder Sync
Pages renamed Missing Media, Red Text,
New Page Number
V0x Clouds V00 Clouds V0x Clouds V0x Clouds V_Files\V0x Clouds
V1x Dropbox,Google, Apple V10 Dropbox, Google, Apple V1x Dropbox,Google,Apple V1x Dropbox,Google,Apple
V2x Pcloud V20 Pcloud V2x Pcloud V2x Pcloud V_Files/V2x Pcloud/
V3x Sync.com V30 Sync.com V3x Sync.com V3x Sync.com V_Files\V3x Sync.com
V4x IDrive V40 Idrive Change to Idrive
V5x Films V50 Films V5x Films V5x Films V_Files\V5x Films
V6x File Tools V60 File Tools V6x File Tools V6x File Tools V_Files\V6x File Tools
V7x My Data V70 My Data V7x File Folders V7x File Folders V_Files\V7x File Folders
V8x Bookmarks V80 Bookmarks V8x Bookmarks V8x Bookmarks V_Files\V8x Bookmarks
V9x Text Formats V90 Text Formats
Hardware/Devices Album (sub) Category on Blog Hardware Parent/Mother page for category Vimeo Album / Collection Vimeo Folder Sync Path folder Sync
Pages renamed Missing Media, Red Text,
New Page Number
Available H0x H00
H2x Comp Devices H20 Comp Devices
H3x Screen H30 Screen
Available H4x H40
Available H5x H50  
Available H6x H60
H8x Files on NAS   H80 Files on NAS  
H9x Video on NAS   H90 Video on NAS  
Album (sub) Category on Blog Mail Thb Parent/Mother page for category Vimeo Album / Collection Vimeo Folder Sync Path folder Sync
Pages renamed Missing Media, Red Text,
New Page Number
Ma1x Thb Regular Ma10 Thb Regular Ma1x Thb Regular Ma1x Thb Regular Ma_Mail\Ma1x Thb Regular
Available Ma2x Ma20
Ma3x Thb Setup Ma30 Thb Setup Ma3x Thb Setup Ma3x Thb Setup Ma_Mail\Ma3x Thb Setup
Ma4x Thb Add-ons Ma40 Thb Add-ons Ma4x Thb Add-ons Ma4x Thb Add-ons Ma_Mail\Ma4x Thb Add-ons
Ma5x Thb Search Tools Ma50 Thb Search Tools Ma5x Thb Search Tools Ma5x Thb Search Tools Ma_Mail\Ma5x Thb Search Tools
Ma6x Thb Message Content Ma60 Thb Message Content Ma6x Thb Message Content Ma6x Thb Message Content Ma_Mail\Ma6x Thb Message Content
Available Ma7x Ma70
Ma8x Gmail Ma80 Gmail Ma8x Gmail Ma8x Gmail Ma_Mail\Ma8x Gmail
Ma9x Other Mail Providers Ma90 Other Mail Providers
Mobile Album (sub) Category on Blog Parent/Mother page for category Vimeo Album / Collection Vimeo Folder PPath folder To be done  Sync
Pages srenamed Missing Media, Red Text,
New Page Number
Available Mo0x   Mo00            
  Mo1x Browser Profile/Install
  Mo10 Browser Profile
  Mo2x Browser Settings   Mo20 Browser Settings            
  Mo3x Browser Extensions
  Mo30 Browser Extensions
  Mo4x Android   Mo40 Android
  Mo5x Iphone Ipad   Mo50 Iphone Ipad

  Mo6x Providers   Mo60 Providers            
  Mo7x Other Mobile Devices   Mo70 Other Mobile Devices            
  Mo8x Mac   Mo80 Apple Mac            
  Mo9x Lap-Internet   Mo90 Internet Laptop            



Video and Pics

Changed URL

When we change the URL of a mother page, we must change the link on this page.
Yoast reminds you of changed URLs.



  • We change the links on O409
  • We change the category
[Important] we not create a redirect [/important]


U do redirect when there is traffic to the site from outside.

People, Sites outside that cannot change their links.

DocSite Changed Link

DocSIte Changed Link1

DocSIte Changed Link1
DocSIte Changed Link1

- Click to enlarge

DocSite Changed Subfolders

DocSite Changed Subfolders
DocSite Changed Subfolders

- Click to enlarge

Red Text in Master Table

Video name: Master Table Change Update When

Video Link to Trello


Focus on

  • Album/Sub

We must change when:

  • When mother page change Name or Number
  • when category changes Name or Number

Must: change:

  • change Vimeo: we change just the name, the link
  • link to category, mother page in this page
  • Change in Pcloud: change name and link

We do not need to change something:

  • when a (sub) page number or name changes
  • when a (sub) page content changes

Trello Regular Task Update Links, Folders, Albums

New Row in Master Table

Video name: About Page Change Log

Video Link to Trello

Trello Summary: Empty

We need to control all pages, when we write every change about the pages in doc site.

We have to write which is motherpage, which is album… everything about the pages in doc site, not only the red texts in pages which are written from George.

Regular Check

  • George gives new category or mother page (this includes Name and Number)
  • Create new mother page / category (depending on what he created)
  • Create Vimeo Folder and Album in https://vimeo.com/ for the New Category
  • Same name as Category
  • Create new folder in D:\Sync\!Team\#DocSite for the New Category
  • Same name of Category and page number
  • Add to O40 Doc Page:
  • Category name + link
  • Mother Page name + page number + link
  • Vimeo Folder name + link
  • Vimeo Album name + link
  • Sync Folder name + page number + link

Trello Regular Task Add New Doc Page to O40

Archive Folders and Backlogs

Video name: Sync Archive Folders agains Backlogs

Video Link to Trello

Video Status in Vimeo: Private





Additional Information

Video and Pics

Changed URL of Mother page

When we change the URL of a mother page, we must change the link on this page.
Yoast reminds you of changed URLs.


  • We change the links on O409
  • We change the category


[Important] we not create a redirect [/important]


U do redirect when there is traffic to the site from outside.

People, Sites outside that cannot change their links.




About Page Change Log


Sync Master Table, Vimeo and Pcloud

Master Table, Vimeo and Pcloud

Video Link to Trello

Trello Summary: Empty

This video explain how to sync Master table, Sync Vimeo, Pcloud.

Category and Mother Page

Same Names Cat, Mother page, Pcloud, Vimeo

Video Link to Trello

Trello Summary:

  • Category on the blog master, when George says changed cat name –> Verify category
  • Mother page must have same name as Category/Album (exception words and, &)
  • Number Mother page same (except 0 at end) and Category (except X at end)
  • Plcoud folder must have same name as Category/Album (exception words and, &)
  • Create empty folders in Vimeo
  • Create empty folders in Pcloud

Master Table Changes

Master Table Change Update When

Video Link to Trello

Trello Summary: Empty




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