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PRIV Ma58 Saved Search

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Page no: Ma58

General exclusion


Saved Search / Account Folders This
Other Account
How to do Selection
Regular Tasks /
New Time
Dorgan Gmail Garry Swiss
By Area
(Like “Harry Amazon”)
All (physical)
Only Inbox add-on to select all /
Select inbox manually
Only add-on
per comp
2 hour
1 hour  33   26 25 35 32
Swiss 22
George Gmail ..
_Starred Mail (all accounts)


All (physical)
All (physical)
add-on to select all for this account + Manually all others Move manually into one account only in Top-Account! per comp
30 min
0 hour
Dual_Tags Add-on to select all for this account Only add-on
For each account 5 min
_No Tags All (physical)
None Use add-on Assign a tag (GD/VG) Only add-on
5 min 5 min
_Tags (Not in) None All (physical)
Manually all others Move into other account manually / To be replaced by message filters only in Top-Account!! per comp
30 min


Replace by
message Filter that moves into folders of other account


Video and Pics


This video explains the table above.






Ma58 Saved Search Overview

After the new message filters for move into other accounts,we do not have to select the other accounts any more.


Ma58 Saved Search Improvements

New Saved Search

Create the Saved Searches

  • for all accounts
  • for all tags
  • for all normal folders

Saved Search Wrong Account Select All Folders
Saved Search Wrong Account Select All Folders

- Click to enlarge

Saved Search Name

Thunderbird renames Folders

Thunderbird sometimes renames the folders.

This may happen when we change the IMAP Folder.

Or when we migrate to a new computer.

Rename it again based on the tag name.

Thunderbird renames Saved Search, Rename it again
CM02k Thunderbird renames Saved Search, Rename it again


Search Folders

New structure for the Search Folders

New Folder Structure for Search Folders
New Folder Structure for Search Folders

- Click to enlarge

All Folders on One Account


Use the Add-on Update search folder target to select all folders of one single account.


Create Saved Search
Create Saved Search

- Click to enlarge

Update all Search Folders Update all Search Folders Target: Adds all folders for one account

Update all Search Folders - Click to enlarge

Video: Select all folders

Do NOT create NEW message rules or tags or folders, but change existing ones rules, use existing tags.

The Feedback shows problems with Search Folders do not work, must choose all folders (except spam, deleted).


  • Thunderbird Saved Search
  • Thunderbird Tags
  • Thunderbird Add-on
  • Thunderbird Extension


Rating: 3 stars

Sent folders

  • Step1: Open Thunderbird -> at left side you will see all Mail Accounts entered to our Thunderbird
  • Step2: In every Mail account there are many Search Folders -> Click on Search Folder -> Right click -> Properties -> Manage Folders
  • Step3: Manage Folders -> This is to set the Search Folders in which Folders you wish to search for emails, with keywords -> All folders of current account should be clicked -> folders wich should not be clicked are Trash, All Mails, Subfolders in Trash -> Also all Inboxes and Sent Mail Folders should be clicked in All other Accounts
  • Step4: Make sure that Inboxes and Sent Mail Folders of All Accounts are clicked (including the current account)
  • Step5: Click Okay -> Apply -> Okay
  • Step6: These steps should be done for all folders in all Mail Accounts

All Sent Folders Clicked
All Sent Folders Clicked

- Click to enlarge

NOT IN Search Folders

NOT IN Search Folders are folders which are searching for emails which are with the right tag but they are in wrong folder, Inbox.

For each NOT IN search folder (each private account has NOT IN search folder) need to select to search in All Private Accounts Inboxes.

All NOT IN search folders, they have to search also in their parent’s folders. For exaple Dorgan Mail (not in Dorgan) have to search also in his child folders.

Special Search Folders choose all subfolders of other accounts
Special Search Folders choose all subfolders of other accounts

- Click to enlarge

Video name: Not In Dorgan Select Folders https://vimeo.com/329752646
The video explains how we select all folders for one single account using the Add-on SavedSearchThemAll and how to use the plugin.


  • Thunderbird Saved Search
  • Thunderbird Add-on
  • Thunderbird Extension

Rating: 5 stars


Rename on File System

Video name: Search Folder Rename on File System

Video Private


Video shows how to rename search folders from File System. Directly from MainProfile folder – E:\!!Thunderbird\mainprofile

Ellusion Dummies

Video Name: Ellusion Dummies Saved Search

Video Link to Trello

Private Video





Saved Search Add-on

- Click to enlarge


- Click to enlarge

New Add-on for select all folders when we create Saved Search Folder.


  • Saved Search Them All is an add-on which updates automatically all search folders to search in their account folders only
  • When the add-on is installed, new button under Tools menu appear,
  • THERE IS A VERSION that shows the button Select All Folders inside the Popup
  • Tools –> Update search folders target
  • Once clicked this button, all search folders are updated to search only on their accounts in which are created


  • Thunderbird Saved Search
  • Thunderbird Add-on
  • Thunderbird Extension

Rating: 5 stars

What is the difference between the two add-ons?

  • we install the second plugin, because it says that he will automatically check all folders in all accounts, but it seems that he doesn’t work.

What is the name of the add-on?

  • add-on is SavedSearchThemAll

When we update search folders target it automatically unchecks all inboxes in all accounts and checks all folders in current account where it is the search folder.
This button works for every single search folder in whole Thunderbird.

After updating the search folders target – we should check and uncheck what’s needed.


New folders do not get selected automatically.

Example: The folders per year.

Must do it manually or use an add-on.

Search Folders New Folders
Search Folders New Folders


We check all folders and after restart of thunderbird, some of them missing.

There is a bug with the search folders. When they are too many and after restarting Thunderbird, some of the checked folders are missing. And this is every time.


  • Thunderbird Saved Search


Rating: 5 stars

Saved Search Them All Testing Versions

Update Search folders target button exist in all tested versions and it works.

Tested versions:

  • 52.7
  • 52.9
  • 56.0
  • 59.0
  • 60.4

Saved Search Them all Button Testing
Saved Search Them all Button Testing

- Click to enlarge

Special Folders

All Mail Folder

All Mail folders exist for Gmail Provider only (this include E-llusion mail).


All Mail Folder

- Click to enlarge

Spam and Trash Folders


  • Uncheck Spam and Trash and bin (same word as trash)

Uncheck Spam and Trash

- Click to enlarge


Video: Select Folders over different accounts inside Saved Search

The video explains how we select all folders from all accounts.


  • Thunderbird Saved Search
  • Thunderbird Mail Folders
  • Thunderbird Add-on
  • Thunderbird Extension

Rating: 5 stars

All accounts, which folders to select?



Select all folders of one account

and the inbox of the other accounts.


This is Niki’s preferred method.


  • Less effort to select all these folders


  • Mails in the subfolders cannot be found. This is OK, when the existing folders are already ordered (no wrong tag in the folders).
  • This cannot be done when we create new tags and message filters like domain and important services
    Reason: All the old mails are in the wrong folders.
  • This cannot used when we have more than one tag per folder. We will do this for example when search for invoices. There are the tags “E-ll Service”s and -Invoices” on some mails. But this is an exception.







Test if it possible just to select the account at top-level.

maybe  it is extended automatically to all folder of the account.

Test Successful?

  • we tested with checking only the folders without the Inboxes and it doesn’t work.
Test if selecting at top level really works
Test if selecting at top level really works

- Click to enlarge

Test if this automatically selected all folder

- Click to enlarge

Option3: Select all folders of all accounts manually



  • Mails in the sub-folders can be found. This is good, when mails are currently in the wrong folder.
  • It is the preferred method for new tags like domain and important services
    Reason: All the old mails are in the wrong folders.
  • This can be used when we have more than one tag per folder (currently exception)



  • This means that we select over 100 folder for each search folder. It is a lot of work, but it is once-off.

All folders in accounts

- Click to enlarge

MSF Files for Saved Search

Saved Search Creation By File Copy

We can copy saved search folders (MSF Files) from pcloud master folder, but the saved search folder’s name is renamed.

Saved Search Creation By File Copy
Saved Search Creation By File Copy

- Click to enlarge

Rename of File renames the Search folder
When we rename the saved search folder, it changes the file name also, which is not good.

Search Folder Creation By Copy Renamed
Search Folder Creation By Copy Renamed

- Click to enlarge

Saved Search with All Folders Copied

This saved search file contain all folders and we copied it.

Saved Search with All Folders Copied
Saved Search with All Folders Copied

- Click to enlarge

Video name: Search Folder Export

(no trello card)

Trello Summary: Empty

 virtual folders.dat file


The following represents a first solution.
We simply copy the virtual folders.dat file. (reference from Ubuntu)





Feedback: No solution

Copying the virtual folders.dat is probably not a solution. Forum are saying that the virtualfolders.dat is just backup copy for the msf files.

Remember that one msf file exists for each folders, no matter if it is

  • Normal Folder or
  • a Saved Search Folder



Option2: Preferred MSF Files

MSF Files

Forget about the files with the .msf extension, those are index files that can and will be rebuilt when necessary. (source)

Search folders are not common and there are no many extensions or good problems for moving them.

Copy the msf files from the old installation (reference)

According to the Phantom Folders mozillaZine article, panacea.dat can be safely deleted, and it will be recreated automatically.

Also according to that page, it looks like the .msf file is needed for your saved search. Try copying that file over from your old profile as well, and you should be all set.

Saved Search Creation By File Copy


This video explains that we need to rename search folders after we have imported them.


  • Thunderbird Saved Search
  • Thunderbird over Different Computers


Is it really about different computers? – Yes it is.

if yes then new keyword


Rating: 5 stars

Old Videos

  • Naming of search folders must be same as normal folders –> NOT DONE anymore
  • 1:1 relationship for folders, saved search, tags –> NOT 1:1 against folders any more

Switch to Saved Search 

We now use Thunderbird Saved Search to find or order Emails.
This is the introduction video.


  • Thunderbird Saved Search
  • Thunderbird Mail Folders
  • Thunderbird Tags
  • VirtualFolders.dat
  • Thunderbird Account

Rating: 4 stars

In this case the name of the video is missing and we have to put the name of the video on the left side to make it clear what the video is about.



  • pCloud
  • Vimeo Album


Rating: 1 stars

I don’t know where should i put this video.


Search Folders lost after new install


When we create a new Thunderbird installation, then the search folders are lost. We want to copy paste search folders from one account (or one installation) to another?



  • Thunderbird Saved Search
  • Thunderbird Mail Folder


Rating: 5 stars

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