A36 Other Social Channels

Page no: A36

Our target clients are bloggers, with a certain focus on economics and finance. These people are very much text-oriented. They often write longer texts with a lot of logic. They have at the most one image in a post. Hence icons shall be often textual.

Many popular sites use very much images and movies. But this is not our target audience.

Our idea on snbchf.com and on the doc site is to provide text and image together and make blogging more visual than it is today.


Videos and Pics

Follow Author Light

Fixed Social Networks

More details on this design page

Setting the URLs for the networks

The plugin uses two places inside the WP Admin UI, the user profile and the new Follow Author Light UI under Tools.
In admin panel, under Users -> All users, we have to select which user we want to edit.
Follow Links:

Under Contact Info, we can different enter the follow links for the different users. By default, only about me, my site and twitter are configured.

Follow Author New Entries User Profile

Follow Author Light: New Entries User Profile

Social networks/channels

We foresee three rows of social networks in Follow Author Pro and two rows in Follow Author Light. The picture shows the old version with four rows.

  • About
  • Follow us
  • Special


If too many channels are chosen, then one row may extend into two rows.

Old Version: Still 4 rows of social channels


Social Networks for Authors
(Follow Author Pro)

Pro Functionality 1: Social networks are editable

In the Follow Author Light version only 3 social channels were available and the about it and my site were fixed in the first line.
In the Pro Version we can manually add new social channels and determine the order.

Once a new social channel appears in the social network list, then it also gets visible inside the User Profile. If it is deleted here, it is also hidden inside the user profile. By default the my articles button takes the first row.

Then the plugin provides three rows for ordering new follow buttons:

the About the author” row for further infos about the author like about.me and my site.

the “Follow us” row: for general social channels

the Special row for blog-specific follow social channels. For snbchf.com these are the finance channels CFA Society and Seeking Alpha.

Follow Author 3 rows


Follow Author order social networks in 3 rows

Broadly known networks

The following contains the broadly known networks and their icons, which are:

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Google Plus (is already a text)
  • RSS
  • Linkedin
  • Pinterest
  • WordPress.org (black icon)
  • WordPress.com (blue icon)

Icons for the Broadly Known Social Networks


Not in this picture are the known Russian channels

  • Yandex
  • Vkontakte

Github is not broadly known. Already here it uses a textual icon under “Follow me on”.

Broadly known icons have a smaller size than textual icons.

Right: Icons for the 2 Russian Channels
Yandex Vkontakte


Channels in first row

A button for my articles, one for “my site” and one for “About me”. They must fit in one row.

In this example MySite and Aboutme have the maximum size, bloggers would be able to read even a smaller font.

The MyArticles is over maximum size. It must shrink to the same size as MySite and AboutMe and put in the same row. It can be named “posts” or “my posts”.

Usually these channels remain on one row.

Channels in second row:

3 different social channels. In the Light Version we foresee three fixed channels: Twitter, Facebook and Google+, in this order. As mentioned above, this row may extend to multiple rows.

Channels in third row

The third row “Special” is only available on Follow Author Pro. It may also extend to more rows.

Text and Icons


Special: Less Known Networks must use textual icons

The less known networks that occur must contain both text and image in a somewhat bigger icon.

In the special row we shall integrate typically textual icons with the same or a bit smaller size than the maxsize of mysite and aboutme.


Seeking Alpha has a non-textual icons. We would prefer a textual icon, but we will not fix it yet.

CFA Society is over maximum size. We can write CFA Soc. with the icon instead (or use Google image search)

Seeking Alpha



  • WordPress.org might write “.org” (task to be done late)
  • WordPress.com might write “.com” (task to be done late)
  • Github
  • Stack Overflow


1) Order authors on snbchf by number posts






See more for A3x Additional User Attributes