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Т29 Social Autoposter (old tool)

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ТNextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster


Post Only New Content


  1. Disable reposting of old content
  2. Configure the filters, as in the config page

How to Tweet only New Content: Switch off Repost existing posts


Reposting Old Content


Auto re-posting of the old posts

The Plugin can automatically re-post existing posts based on the settings. This functionality is very powerful and flexible, but takes some time to setup it.

SNAP: How to Repost Old Content



Please see here for some problems troubleshooting

Please note: This feature is depreciated, no longer supported and will be replaced with something much better in the upcoming verstion 4

It can be used for two different purposes.

1. You just installed a plugin, but you already have a lot of interesting posts that you would like to share with your social followers. You can use this to auto import all your existing posts to social networks one by one old-to-new, new-to-old or randomly.

2. You want to recycle your content by re-sharing your existing posts to your social networks.

Activate/Set Auto-Repostng for each account

Automated re-posting can be set differently for each account. Please go to any configured account settings and switch to the “Advanced” tab.


1. Activate/Deactivate re-posting for this account.

2. Set re-posting interval.

3. Set random delays around your interval time. This will make your posts appear more human. If you have interval set to 30 minutes and “Randomize posting time ±” to 5 minutes, your next post will appear sometime between 25 and 35 minutes from the previous.

4*. Set specific days and hours when plugin should do autoposts. This is useful if you would like your posts to be reposted, for example, only Mondays to Fridays during the daytime.

5. Set how to select what posts should be auto-reposted. Options are: “Random”*, “One-by-One New-to-Old” and “One-by-One Old-to-New”.

6. Set the age of the posts selected for auto-reposting. You can set specific dates or you could specify the age of the posts in days.

7. This setting controls the default value of the new posts. You could set new posts eligible for re-posting or excluded from re-posting. This could be overridden for each individual post.

8. Use those buttons to set all posts to “Enabled for Repost” or “Disabled for Repost”

9. This shows some info about last re-posted post. You can also “Reset” the process, so plugin will start over.

10. You can set the ID of last re-posted WordPress post. Plugin will continue or start from the next one.

* #4 and re-posting option “Random” available in the “Pro” plugin only.

The settings are on the account, not under



Control what posts should be auto-reposted

Each post has a checkbox that controls auto-reposting. Check it and post will be auto-reposted according to your settings. Uncheck it and post will be ignored and not auto-reposted.


Version 3.3.1 Update

Version 3.3.1 adds some more control about what should happen at the end of auto-reposting query.

You have 3 options:

1. Automatically Turn Reposting Off. This is useful if you just need to repost all your existing posts to the social network once.
2. Wait for new posts. This should be used if you want to regularly repost some of your posts. For example you want to repeat all your yesterday’s posts today.
3. Loop it. Reset and Start from the beginning. This will create an infinite loop of reposting. Plugin will repost all your posts and then start doing it all over again from the beginning.

“Random” option is always set to “Loop it”.

** Added in version 3.0.0



This plugin automatically publishes posts from your blog to your Social Network accounts

process is completely automated. Just write a new post and either entire post or it’s nicely formatted announcement with backlink will be published to all your configured social networks. You can reach the most audience and tell all your friends, readers and followers about your new post. Plugin works with profiles, business pages, community pages, groups, etc. Messages are 100% customizable and adopted for each network requirements.

ALL NEW SNAP Plugins for WordPress Version 4 is coming soon…

[August 10, 2017] V4 Beta is available to qualifies testers. If you are interested, please request it here: www.nextscripts.com/beta

Public V4 Beta will be abailable soon….

  • Version 3.7 – New networks – MailChimp, ok.ru (Odnoklassniki), Weibo. Improved interface.
  • Version 3.6 – New networks – Yo, Medium, 500px. Filters (https://www.nextscripts.com/snap-features/filters/).
  • Version 3.5 – New networks – Telegram and Instagram. New publishing platform.
  • Version 3.4 – New networks – XING, Kippt, compatibility with WP 3.9, 4.0, 4.1 and PHP 5.5.
  • Version 3.3 – Post to all social accounts without creating a WordPress Post. New networks – Flickr, Flipboard, SETT and Scoop.It.



Supported Networks

  • Blogger/Blogspot – Autopost to your blog. HTML is supported.
  • Delicious – Auto-submit bookmark to your account.
  • Deviantart.com – Autopost to your blog. HTML is supported.
  • Diigo – Auto-submit bookmark to your account.
  • Evernote/postach.io – Auto-post to your Evernote account or postach.io blog.
  • Facebook – Autopost to your profile, business page, community page, or Facebook group page. Ability to attach your blogpost to Facebook post. Ability to make „Image“ posts.
  • Flickr – Autopost images to your photostream and/or sets. Tags are supported.
  • Flipboard (with third party API library) – post to your magazines.
  • [New]Instagram – (with third party API library) – Post your blogpost’s featured image to your Instagram account.
  • Instapaper – Auto-submit bookmark to your account.
  • Google+ (with third party API library) – Autopost to your profile, business page or community. Ability to attach your blogpost to Google+ post. Ability to make „Image“ posts.
  • LinkedIn – Autopost to your account. Ability to attach your blogpost to LinkedIn post. Autopost to LinkedIn Company pages and/or Groups (with third party API library)
  • LiveJournal – Auto-submit your blogpost to LiveJournal blog or community. „LiveJournal Engine“ based website DreamWidth.org is also supported.
  • [New]MailChimp – One of the most popular email marketing tools. You can send your blogs as email campaigns to specific subscribers.
  • [New]Medium – Autopost to your profile or publications.
  • [New]ok.ru (Odnoklassniki) Autopost to your group/page. Ability to make text posts, image posts, share links.
  • Pinterest (with third party API library) – Pin your blogpost’s featured image to your Pinterest board.
  • Reddit (with third party API library) – post to your subreddits.
  • Scoop.It – Autopost to your „Topics“. Ability to attach your blogpost to scoop. Ability to make „Image“ posts.
  • SETT – Auto-post to your Sett.com blog.
  • Stumbleupon – Auto-submit bookmark to your account.
  • [New]Telegram – Autopost to your channel, group or chat.
  • Tumblr – Autopost to your account. Ability to attach your blogpost to Tumblr post. HTML is supported.
  • Twitter – Autopost to your account. Ability to attach Image to tweets.
  • Plurk – Autopost to your account. Ability to attach Image to messages.
  • vBulletin – Auto-submit your blogpost to vBulletin forums. Could create new threads or new posts.
  • vk.com (vKontakte) – Autopost to your profile or group page. Ability to attach your blogpost to vk.com post. Ability to make „Image“ posts.
  • [New]Weibo – Biggest Chinese Microblogging Service. You can post your messages and images.
  • WordPress – Auto-submit your blogpost to another blog based on WordPress. This options includes WordPress.com, Blog.com, etc..
  • XING – Post text messages or share links.
  • YouTube (with third party API library) – Post messages to your YouTube channel feed. If blogpost has youtube reference it will be attached.
  • [New]Yo – Send notifications to your subscribers.
  • 500px – Autopost images to your account.

… more networks are coming soon …

  • (with third party API library) means that you need to have at least „Run-Time Edition“ of SNAP Universal API. SNAP API Run-Time Edition is included in the SNAP Pro Plugin.

Plugin makes 100% White Labeled Posts The main idea behind the plugin is to give you the ability to promote only yourself. Plugin uses your own apps and all posts to all networks come only from you. No „Shared via NextScripts.com“ or „Posted by SNAP for WordPress“ messages.

Please see complete installation instructions with screenshots

Free and Pro Plugin Features Please see more detailed features list

  • Message Formatting Tags
  • Assign categories to each Social Network
  • Tags/Categories posted as Hashtags
  • Auto-import comments from Facebook as WordPress Comments
  • Auto-import replies and mentions from and Twitter as WordPress Comments
  • URL Shorteners: bit.ly, goo.gl, YOURLS and built in WordPress URL Shortener
  • Additional URL Parameters
  • Custom URLs for AutoPosts
  • Export/Import Plugin settings
  • See direct links to the published posts from the „Edit“ page
  • „Image“ posts for Facebook, Google+, Vkontakte and Twitter
  • Ability to „Spin“ message post templates

Also included exclusively in the SNAP Pro Plugin

  • Ability to make Scheduled and Delayed postings
  • Advanced Filters. Filter by Custom Fields, Custom Taxonomies, and Searches









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