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PRIV L32 Complaint History

George Morgan
My articles
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Page no: L32



Complaint Details

Complaint History

There are a few complaint checklist which we are using for complaint emails. The video explains which complaint list should we use for different complaint emails.

This is the list of people that complained.

It must be avoided that we obtain server complaints

  • Our server provider complains (hetzner)
  • Our DNS provider (Cloudfare)

Hence we must react to the complaints of the authors.




Direct Complaints

Direct complaints are the ones written by the authors or the owners of the text.


No category link for Attachment.

Pcloud Link

Actions list Attachment:
Mail Written DONE
Download Attachments to Pcloud Yes
Remove Attachment Yes
Find Post  no post
Remove post Only when written by not authorized person (like UBS).

But not remove when there is text written by GeorgeDorgan

The Economist


Category Link to European

Pcloud Link

Actions list Remove:
Mail written DONE
Half Post, Characters NO
Remove Category Widget DONE
Existing Content set to private YES
image removed from
menu and home page
Weekly Remove Task Created (link) DONE
Stop the feed NO



Category Link to Heterodox


Please don’t publish my blog word to word.

Also this is not my picture, idiots.


Pcloud Link

Action list Improve:



Picture updated Actions Result
Bio updated Take from Twitter There is no bio anywhere.
Books updated We load inspiration book from his site

Search again

We had bug in the Amazon Loader Plugin. All books loaded manually.
Mail written It is George work.
Image removed from
menu and home page
Content set to private Decide  George must decide.
 Influences  Check if have their blog


Checked and added as a task.


Edward Harrison

Category Link to Heterodox

Opted out –> Remove

Pcloud Link

Action list Remove:
Mail written DONE
Half Post, Characters NO
Existing Content set to private YES
image removed from
menu and home page
Weekly Remove Task Created? Set Post to Private —> Not needed
Stop the feed YES

Server Complaint: Inside Paradeplatz



Abuse Message [AbuseID:4C9DE9:10]: AbuseNormal: Abuse-Formular: Copyright infringement (heterodox.economicblogs.org)

Pcloud Link

Actions list Remove:
Mail written Chat
Half Post, Characters NO
Existing Content set to private YES
image removed from
menu and home page
Weekly Task Created Not needed
Stop the feed YES


Cloudflare received a DMCA copyright infringement complaint regarding your site.

Pcloud Link


Action list Remove:
Mail written Chat
Half Post, Characters NO
Existing Content set to private YES
image removed from
menu and home page
Weekly Task Created Not needed
Stop the feed YES

Analysis Complaint + Feedback

Lukas Hässig has written a comment complaint.

We only showed half content after that.

We removed all the articles in time.

Remember that he has many authors, and these authors may agree that their articles are published on our site(s).

Example: Marc Meyer publishes on snbchf (with feed from Inside Paradeplatz)

1) Did we still show his face on the home page?

No, We deleted the widget from home.

2) Did we have the category” Inside Paradeplatz” in the sidebar?

No, we deleted this, too.

3) Inside Paradeplatz is used as Breadcrumb

На 08/09/17 в 14:04, [email protected] написа:

Dear Mr Nikolay Garabinov,

We have received information regarding spam and/or abuse from [email protected].
Please take all necessary measures to avoid this in the future.

We also request that you send a short response within 24 hours to us and to the person who filed the complaint. This response should contain information about how this could have happened and what you intend to do about it.

How to proceed:
– Solve the issue
– Send us a statement by using the following link: http://abuse.hetzner.de/statements/?token=1c6d449f298dc4c12e5b125d75cf5a16
– Send a response by email to the person who filed the complaint

The data will be checked by a staff member who will then coordinate any further proceedings. If multiple complaints have been received, the situation could lead to the server being blocked.

Important note:
When replying to us, please leave the abuse ID [AbuseID:3D1CBD:11] unchanged in the subject line.

Kind regards

Dominik Prüßner

Hetzner Online GmbH
Industriestr. 25
91710 Gunzenhausen / Germany
Tel: +49 9831 505-0
Fax: +49 9831 505-3
[email protected]

Register Court: Registergericht Ansbach, HRB 6089
CEO: Martin Hetzner

On 08 Sep 12:56, [email protected] wrote:


Name: Lukas Hssig
E-Mail: [email protected]

Sprache: de

Datenweitergabe: BEWILLIGT


Quelle: swiss.economicblogs.org
Kategorie: Urheberrechtsverletzung

Beschreibung:Seit lngerem stiehlt ein Piratenblog die Inhalte meines Finanzblogs www.insideparadeplatz.ch. Dagegen wehre ich mich seit mehreren Monaten. Diesen Sommer ist es mir gelungen, mit Hilfe der Internet-Vergabestelle switch.ch die Seite www.economicblogs.ch abzustellen. Doch nun geht die Piraterie einfach unter swiss.economicblogs.org weiter. Sie sind mit zustndig fr die Seite, respektive die Hauptseite economicblogs.org. Weil im Moment wegen einer Klage gewisse Artikel von mir nicht mehr im Netz erscheinen drfen (insbesondere https://swiss.economicblogs.org/insideparadeplatz/2017/haessig-schwarzer-aduno-schatten-fallt-auf-pierin-vincenz), bitte ich Sie, die Seite swiss.economicblogs.org sofort abzustellen.

11/09/17 10:58, [email protected] :
Dear Sir or Madam,thank you very much for solving the problem.This ticket has been closed successfully.
11/09/17 10:45, [email protected] :

Dear Sir or Madam,

Thank you!

Could you please also confirm, that you are not going to post articles from this site any longer?

Thank you!

Dear Sir or Madam,

Thank you for your mail.

Please make sure that all articles from “Inside Paradeplatz” are deleted and there will be no more articles from “Inside Paradeplatz”.

Please solve the problem and send us a confirmation within the next 24 hours to avoid server suspension.

Just to tell you, I already knew that  and wrote on page.

all these stupid questions from Hetzner; the problem is Germany, they are too strict.

All these URLs copied from Inside Paradeplatz are still on archive.org, a removal request there – takes ages.

Canada, for example, is quite relaxed.

Most recently the case  of indymedia became public, the German government prohibited the  German subdomain. A french provider then closed down the site.

But now people who published on Indymedia go to court against the German government now.



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