PRIV R51 Categories

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Page no: R51


Video and Pics


Do NEVER upload screenshots from Pcloud, This may exist in Trello, but NOT on Doc Page
Videos for Categories

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Widget priority

Change priority of newsletters and widget


Widget: Just move them

  • Double Checks on Category Widget, if all is OK (see screenshot for a
    : Gold post is inside Swiss National Bank)
  • Zerohedge Switzerland feed: if it has more words about Swiss or Switzerland then in news about Swiss, otherwise put into debt and paper money
  • New posts first: First is New Post, older posts go to the bottom
  • Top Prio: George Dorgan, Swiss National Bank,
  • Second Prio: Switzerland, Swiss, CHF
  • Third Prio: Gold, Gold Standard, FX Trends, Helicopter Money, Negative Rates
  • Fourth Prio: Others (Global Macro) Hugh smith, Austrian, Debt, ZH
  • For the others the decision is made based on number of economic graphs!!

Order Posts Swiss SNB first

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Priorities of Widgets

  • New posts first: First is New Posts, older posts go to the bottom
  • Posts on SNB and CHF is always on Top, compared to other new posts, they go down after 2 days.
  • Top Prio :Gold Standard, George Dorgan, Henry Smith, Swiss National Bank
  • Second Prio, all with Switzerland: CHF, Switzerland, Swiss Markets, Switzerland and gold
  • Third Prio: All others, newest first
Appearance Widget
Appearance Widget

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Widgets On Snbchf

. Source: Widgets On Snbchf - Click to enlarge

Widget Rename

Category Swiss, European Macro renamed inside Widget
Category Swiss, European Macro renamed inside Widget

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Categories in Newsletter

Have to pay attention about many posts in same category per day. We don’t like more than 1 post per category.

Many Posts into one Category

Many Posts into one Category
Many Posts into one Category

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1 Post per Day per Category

One post per day.

Screenshot to the right explains, how many posts per category should publish per day and how to order the widgets.

It also explains the order.

Posts by Categories
Posts by Categories

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Main Category

5) Global Macro must be main category

One primary category for each post. We do not like posts with many primary categories or without primary category.

Global Macro Subcats in Feed One Per Day
R5x Global Macro Subcats in Feed One Per Day

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Choose Category

Not allowed that one posts has two categories

Newsletter Avoid Dual Main Categories

Newsletter Avoid Dual Main Categories
R5x Newsletter Avoid Dual Main Categories

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For some posts there are many categories attached, we have to choose the right one to be published the post. Always publishing posts with one category attached.

For example in screenshot to the right is taken Liliane’s post. We can see that there are 2 categories attached to her post. Have to read the whole post and understand for which category is the post. Remove the other one.

Many Categories
Many Categories

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Subcategories, Image is far too big, what about Pictet here?

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Feed WP


Posts in Newsletter (Mailpoet)
Posts in Newsletter (Mailpoet)

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Menu Rename of what? need to know the action!
Menu Rename

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Posts by Categories


See more for R5x Taxonomies, Newsletter