PRIV P52 Pictured Category Container

Page no: P52




We have different alternatives where to put categories: We can put them into

  1. Page Building Blocks
  2. Widgets
  3. Archives

1) Posts inside Category Container “Type Page Building Block”:

In page building blocks we do not have space for an author bio. Instead we show in the top left the category pic and name (see more under functionality 1).

Apart from the excerpt, we will able to show for each post:

  • A thumbnail of the featured image for the post or
  • A thumbnail of the author image for the post. This is a new field for a post. The default is the user avatar of the author.
  • Or both

For the first post, only,  inside the container we would like to see:

  • A bigger featured image (bigger than thumbnail)
  • A bigger author image.

2) Category Container “Type Widget”:

For each post/page we will able to show either

  • A thumbnail of the featured image for the post or
  • A thumbnail of the author image for the post. This is a new field for a post. The default the user avatar of the author.

There is no special treatment of the first post for widgets.


3) Category Container Type “Archive”

Nikolay proposed the following for each post in the archive.
For each post/page we show

  • a featured picture
  • an excerpt
  • the author pic and
  • the social networks.Hence a full “Follow Author Light” functionality inside the archive.

My comment on this was that the blog admin should be able to decide if we wants this functionality. Hence an option if to show or not.
Another issue here is that the author bio is missing.

Archive with Author Pic and Social Nets






General Archive Settings

Under “Tools–> PromoteAuthor Archives”, the WordPress admin can adjust the general settings for category archives and author archives.

Author Archives

The author archives permit to choose if the author’s bio and the author’s avatar are shown on the archives.

Introduce Pagination for Author Archives


We had too many posts for this author and the page does not loaded until the end.

We introduce the pagination on all of the user pages. And it is distributed on all blogs.


We can introduce a pagination and show 20 posts per page? We will need no more than 2h.



Is this implemented on snbchf, too?

No, it is not.
Which software part, CSS, template or plugin?

It is part of a plugin, PA Author Pages plugin.

It should be Pictured Category Archives.

Pagination for Author Archives




Show longer Excerpts on Archives

In the syndication tools, we make excerpts longer but we do not show them in the archives.

Implement it in Pictured Category Archives.




Problem: Archives with Short Excerpts





Developer’s feedback

The specification looks good. it is possible to be done in that way.


Tips & Tricks

With one simple function attached to the custom_post_author_archive hook, we can easily show both pages and authors on author archive page.

function custom_post_author_archive( &$query )
if ( $query->is_author )
$query->set( ‘post_type’, array(‘page’, ‘post’) );
remove_action( ‘pre_get_posts’, ‘page’ ); // run once!
add_action( ‘pre_get_posts’, ‘custom_post_author_archive’ );



See more for P5x Plugins for Categories