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PRIV O04 Milestones 2016

Page no: O04


Our main milestones are:


September 19, WordPress Camp Zurich


Google Go-Live

Early October 2015: Google Go-Live: of Economicblogs

As Aristotle said, we need to keep the idea (the content) and the form, the beauty (or the layout).

  • Content: The major achievement is FeedWP, the automatic load of full posts to our site.
  • Layout: Great layout of the site

Our competitors, like investing.com that also provide automatic full content for economic analyses, but they have bad design.

Company Google Go-live

October 2015: Company Google Go-live: promoteauthors.com

It contains already an overview of our plugins and products.


(snbchf serves as playground, it is read by many users)

December 2015: New SNBCHF with pictured category containers

This plugin contains the functionalities of Sahifa that we need for building the author-specific boxes.


Author Go-Live of economicblogs

(competitors: seekingalpha.com: No automatic feed, investing.com: automatic feed)

March 2016: Author Go-live of Economicblogs with main features


Author Profile and Books GUI have delayed the author go-live. The professionalism of the site ensures that authors do not object because of copyright.

With the Author Go-live, we will start publishing into social channels. We could also call it “Social Media Go-Live”

April 2016





Tag-based sites Go-Live

(prove of concept starts in March)

competitors: Paper.li and others.

We want to enable anybody to create websites with automatic feeds from Promoteauthor.com.
We build a wizard, similar to our competitor paper.li to obtain the source websites.

As opposed to our competitors, we provide full content and not only links to other sites.
We provide author-promotion so that they do not consider it a plagiat and raise copyright concerns.



Plugin Go-Live:


Follow Author Light: WP plugin directory and Readme file

Stop Words Light and Pro with scrambled words and 301 redirects, Follow Author Pro

Pictured Category Container, Ads Manager Light, Share Buttons Light


Old schedule

PromoteAuthor Blog Google Go-Live

December 15: Doc Site Google Go-Live,

Plugin Go-Live: Ads Manager Pro, Share Buttons Pro

December 30: Plugin Go-Live: Tweet automatically

January 14: Plugin Go-Live: Ultimate Tag Optimizer

January 30: Plugin Go-Live: Trigger-Response (check functionality with Emir’s tool)


and georgedorgan.ch, some minimum pages there


See more for O0x Orga Doc Pages