↑ Return to P35 URL Stop Words

PRIV P35n Final S for Plural, 3d person, genitive

Page no: P35n


This algorithm can be built with a finite state machine. Here more on PHP and state machines.

State Machine


Steps 1a-1f: Transform plural words into singular (Pro Version and economic blogs)


Apply plural rules first: Rules 1a to 1e

We want to eliminate plural words and maintain only singular. But there are exceptions. These are here.


1a: Transform “ies” plural into “y” singular


Old State: “Before plural”

Condition:  if word is in the  “ies”- list.

Rule: replace “ies” with “y”

New State:  “Before stop words”

Example: abilities

Changed into: ability

1b: Transform “xes” plural into “x” singular

Old State: “Before plural”

Condition:  if word is in this  “xes”- list.

Rule: remove “es” at the end

New State: Before stop words”

Example: sexes

Changed into: sex

1c: Transform “ches” plural into “ch” singular

Condition:  if word is in the “ches”- list.

Rule: remove “es” at the end

Examples: sexes, taxes

Is changed into: sex, tax

1d Transform “ches” plural into “ch” singular

Condition:  if word is in the shes”- list.

Rule: remove “es” at the end

Example: brushes

Changed into: brush


1e Transform “sses” plural into “ss” singular

Condition:  if word is in the “sses” list

Rule: remove “es” at the end

Example: fitnesses

Changed into: fitness


Now the important step:

Step 2: Remove “s”-Forms: plural, 3rd person and genitive (Pro Version and economic blogs)

This does three things in one!

Condition: Words ends with “s”

Exception: Do nothing if it is ending in “ss”.

Rule: remove “s” at the end


a) This concerns verbs: 3rd person

Example: blows

Changed into: blow

b) This concerns nouns: we cut plural forms to singular

Example: the word “nouns”

Is changed into: “noun”

c) This concerns genitive:

Example: URL Obamas-heatth-care

Changed into: Obama-health-care


Running Example

Old URL: https://austrian.economicblogs.org/max-keiser/2015/keiser-sinking-ship-survey-16th-economic-freedom-index/

New URL: https://austrian.economicblogs.org/max-keiser/2015/keiser-sinking-ship-survey-16th-economic-freedom-index/

Verbs ending in “s” are removed


will remove: shows, falls, index

and transfer “ships” into “ship”


Currently Swiss national bank’s gives URL Swiss-banks


Remove ‘s before applying stop word algo

Title: The Fed’s Waterloo should give
URL: Fed-Waterloo (see screenshot)
and not Feds-Waterloo

It is ready on European. I tested it. It works fine. Must be added on all blogs.

Must run on

  • Syndic Tools (need screenshot of the function)
  • Feed WP



Does not work on European or is not installed on FeedWP (see screenshot from European)

Solution on Bug

Now it is installed on Syndication and works perfect. See the problem screens.

See more for P35x URL StopWords