H74 Storage Pools (MigXIm)

George Morgan
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Synology Data Scrubbing

RAID scrubbing:

This function can be used with storage pools that implement SHR (comprised of three or more drives), RAID 5, or RAID 6. It can repair any detected data inconsistencies.


How to
Storage Manager.

Go to Storage Pool > Data Scrubbing.

Click Set schedule



Syn412: Set Schedule to every 3 months, once, first run on April 12


How often:
Run it every 6 months is enough.

Make sure that Synology is running at that time.
Synology 416 is switch on during the time.




system Volume

In the meantime I have discovered the following:

a) QNAP has a clearly defined system volume
Apparently a removal of this system volume risk to destroy the content.




remove disk not possible

On storage pools with the system volume, it is also not possible to remove disks.


Other Storage Pools

b) If one creates a storage pool that is not on the system volume, then one could remove the disk without problems.
[Image of Remove storage pool not on system volume]

I will now remove the system volume, given that on my QNAP I do not have data yet.

This, however, is different for my Synology NAS.









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