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G121 Development Shop Partners

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Development Shop Partners

 2019-05-13: by Mark Montalban


This is a list of outsourcing partners who Founder Institute grads have worked with, and can recommend.

While strategically outsourcing portions of your software development can help you meet urgent goals, it can be challenging to identify good suppliers you know you can trust.

Here are suppliers that have worked successfully with other Founders, and who have proven to be reliable suppliers. Be sure to mention Founder Institute when you reach out to them, since you will often qualify for special pricing. Note that we cannot guarantee their future performance; we simply know that they have performed well in the past. Please email [email protected] if you feel a company should be removed from, or added to, this list.

Futurist Labs

Futurist Labs is an enterprise and startup (mobile / web) IT development partner working worldwide from California’s Silicon Valley to their Eastern European offshore hub in Sofia, Bulgaria. They have worked with FI Silicon Valley grad Runbuk, and FI Sofia grads Streebl, Botcraft and others. As futurists and solution providers they love working on projects that push the envelope of technology and amaze people about the world they live in. They offer start-up as a service, MVP product development, project-based relationships, digital consulting, and teams of dedicated developers that you can outsource your development needs to. They love bringing a project from zero to MVP and developing it further. Remember to say you are from Founder Institute for discounted rates. Contact Mark at [email protected].

Visual Craft

Visual Craft is a 12-year-old software, web, and mobile app development shop, with a team of around 50 developers and designers based in Ukraine. They have more than 250 applications created, including for FI London grads Shopcinity, Wonego, Sparkinity and Pingvite. Their expertise goes beyond app development, into product research, evaluation and post launch support and marketing. They pride themselves on doing high quality work at a very reasonable price point. Contact Andrey at [email protected], and be sure to mention Founder Institute for our special discounted rates.

Codigo del Sur

CodigoDelSur is a 10-year-old software, web, and mobile app development shop, named #1 best Mobile App Development company in Latin America by Clutch in 2017. They have a team of 80 developers and designers, more than 200 applications created so far, some with 100M+ users, and customers ranging from enterprises to startups. Codigo del Sur position themselves as a high quality service provider, with a focus on making sure the product they deliver is impeccable. Besides design and development, the firm also offers help with usability, growth hacking, engagement, monetization and other non-technical knowledge. Contact [email protected], and mention Founder Institute for discounts and for a special launch ‘one feature app’ package.

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