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PRIV C24 Sending Mails SMTP

George Morgan
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Sending Methods

The advantages of sending with MailPoet :

  • Free sending plan for up to 2,000 subscribers.

    –> This solves our limit of 500 mails with Gmails, but there are different other providers.
  • Deliverability monitored by MailPoet
    –> Needs to be tested what it is.
  • Get the Premium features for free on paid plans
    –> So is it free or paid?
  • Pricing is adapted to your total number of confirmed subscribers
    –> Free plan until 2000 subscribers, or not

Mailpoet Compared Table
Mailpoet Compared Table

Source: Mailpoet.com - Click to enlarge

  • Send unlimited emails
  • MailPoet removes invalid addresses automatically in your lists without any special configuration
  • MailPoet SMTP Server:
    It’s faster: send up to 50,000 emails per hour instead of 2,000
    –> Huge advantage to send al
  • SPF and DKIM (domain-key identified mail) signatures are included without changing your DNS
    –> Very
  • MailPoet provide personalized support.
    –> Very useful after we have so many problems with it.
  • –> no daily limit  like Gmail
  • This might need a configuration GUI in order to judge what is an invalid address, is it only mailbox does not exist?

Sending with Mailpoet

Activation free SMTP Service

Activation of free pan smtp service
Activate the Mailpoet SMTP PremiumPremium price is $10 per month

Mailpoet SMTP Premium
Mailpoet SMTP Premium

Source: WPGeist - Click to enlarge

How does the process work?

The process of sending is the same way as Gmail smtp service. They communicate via SMTP service, but they use private servers, not Gmail’s servers.


Why can Mailpoet SMTP use the Google mail address?

It can use any alias we want. There is no limitation. We can set it.

Activation Key

Activation of Mailpoet’s SMTP service

is done by adding the key from mailpoet.com

How do I obtain the activation key?

You can obtain a key, when you registered in mailpoet.com. They give you a key automatically.

Activation Key
Activation Key

Source: WPGeist.com - Click to enlarge

Issues with Mailpoet Sending

Newsletters not Sent

Reference: Mailpoet support

First, you need to determine what exactly is happening on your website:

1. Does your current sending method work?

If you are using PHP Mail or Sendmail as your sending method (Settings page > Send With tab), try this: The Alternate Method to Verify if PHP Mail Works (“Your own website”)

If you are using Gmail to send your newsletters (which we do not recommend): Sending With Gmail Doesn’t Work… What To Do?

In these cases, we always suggest you to use a SMTP Provider, read here why.

2. Are you receiving an error when trying to send a test email?

Is the error Could not instantiate mail function? If it is, read this page.

If the error message says something with the word “JSON” on it, try to increase your server memory to 128M with this plugin: Change Memory Limit

3. Are your newsletters not sent on time?

Are you experiencing delays of newsletters being sent?

For example, automatic newsletter to be sent immediately or your scheduled newsletter was sent late?

It’s normal to experience a delay of a few minutes because of how WordPress manages its task scheduler (also known as the Cron).

Read more about that here: Understanding the Cron

4. My newsletters are sent but no one receives them!

Have you checked your Spam Score lately? It’s very probable that your SPF and DKIM aren’t set up yet. Here are some golden tips to avoid being labeled a spammer.

Sending with Gmail

As opposed to Subscribe2 we do not need a SMTP plugin.

Next step was to configure mailpoet. Like the old newsletter plugin, we set up the plugin to use gmail smtp server. This is good, because in this way we will be sure that every email goes on their mailboxes, not in spam. We also changed the old subscribe page from subscribe2 form to our new form. The link in the header is the same.

Sending Mails with Gmail
Sending Mails with Gmail

- Click to enlarge

This was an old solution in the past for Mailpoet Sending

Example: Using Mailpoet with Gmail

Sending Limit Free Mailpoet Version
Sending Limit Free Mailpoet Version

- Click to enlarge

Emails per hour (valid only for Gmail)

We have limits of max mails per hours, because we use Gmail SMTP servers. It has these limits and we need strictly follow them.  We currently sent 70 mails per hour. We have almost 350 subscribers, so the whole process will be 5 hours long.


Result: 0% Sent

Nonetheless, I activated the newsletter.

But the result is again the same: 0% percent sent.

Problem with Gmail. We were blocked due to too many sent emails.

Mailpoet Zero Sent
Mailpoet Zero Sent

- Click to enlarge

About Page

Sending Mails SMTP About Page

Explains the order of the page, chapters and sections.


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