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IO02 Investing Team Keywords

Page no: IO02
  • regex:/KEYWORDS/i
  • No regex any more, no final /
  • no double ||  –> search for it
  • no |/ —> search for it
  • Delete new keywords after copying
  • Capitalized words done? NOT DONE
  • Bad keywords done?
  • All cards must start with column header like CM1x or so.
  • remove s at the end when it is plural, not Portable Apps, But Portable App
  • use find s| to find plural s remove the s
  • Only special characters allowed are: äöü, ÄÖÜ,è,é
  • This :; üfter is not allowed: Copying problem,
  • Keywords must be unique for the Trello list:
    not allowed: category, but SNB category
    not allowed: post, but SNB post




Board Butler DropItRule
aktiv|assetklasse|bankdepot|bankrottgefahr|beleihung|bonds|bubble|china|copper|cusip|emerging market|equal weighted|etf|eurokrise|ezb|future|haftpflicht|hauptkriterien|hedge|hohe aktienanzahl|house price|immo|index|institution|interest rate|inverted yield curve|investment fehler|isin|korrelationen|krankenversicherung|kredit kaufen|krisen|long-term performance|momentum|msci|number stocks|otte|passiv|pflegeversicherung|platin|podcast|pork meat|real estate|recession|renditekiller|replikation|rezession|sampling|seasonality|sektorfonds|shiller|sicherheit|silber|small cap|stock timing|struki|swap|timing|todesfallkapital|valore|value|versicherung|vola|waehrung|wallstreet|zykel|zykliker

List Butler:

Attention: we moved to Dynamic Lists


Butler/List Name NOT DONE Keywords DropItRule
List 01: Aktien ETF General aktiv|etd|passiv
List 02: Emerging Markets brasil|brazil|china|emerging market|india|russia
List 03: ETF Choice currency hedge|cusip|ETF Choice|gross return|hauptkriterien|indexauswahl|isin|net return|physisch|price return|replikation|replizier|return type|sampling|swap|total return|valor
List 04: Smart Beta: Number Stocks, Momentum, Seasonality aktienanzahl|momentum|number stocks|seasonality|smart beta|value
List 05: Low Vola, low vola|momentum|seasonality|sektorfonds|small cap|stock|value|zykliker
List 06a: Gold, Precious metal gold|platin|silber|silver
List 6b Bitcoin,Blockchain bitcoin|blockchain
List 6c Raw Materials copper|raw material|rohstoffe|wheat
List 07: Real Estate immo|real estate|reit
List 08: Bonds/Anleihen anleihe|bond|interest rate|yield|zins
List 09: Alternative Investments alternative investments|hedgefund|p2p
List 10: Asset Allocation all weather|allocation|dahlio|geldanlage|inflation|permanent
List 10: Asset Classes asset classes|assetklasse|dimensional|interest rate|long-term performance|zykel
List 11: Crash asset allocation timing|bubble|crash|eurokrise|inverted yield|korrelationen|krise|pork meat|recession|rezession|waehrung|wallstreet
List 11b: Cash and Central Banks bargeld|cash|konten|konto
List 12: Depot Sicherheit depot|depotstelle|schweiz|sicherheit|sondervermögen|wertpapierleihe
List 13: Dividend Strategy dividend|preferred share
List 14: Pension CH 3a|altersvorsorge|feizügigkeit|pension|rente|rente|säule
List 15: Tax steuer|tax
List 16: Entsparen und Töpfe entsparen|topf|töpfe
List 17: Euro coronabonds|eurobonds|stability pact
List 18: Fehler bankrottgefahr|fehler|renditekiller
List 19: Kommunismus & Fallende Gewinne/Produktivität gewinn|kommunismus|mindestlohn|produktivität
List 20: Kosten ankauf|fees|kosten|spread|verkauf
List 21: Sektoren+Länder Strategien ageing|finance sector|länder strategien|marginal cost|quantum computer|startup
List 22: Spekulation + Stockpicking belehnung|beleihung|kredit kaufen|spekulation|stockpicking
List 23: Sparen josefpfenning|sparrate|sparen
List 24: Timing timing
List 25: Versicherung fahrlässig|fahrrad|haftpflicht|insurance|klausel|todesfall|unfall|versicherung|verweisung|zeitwert


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