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GO05 Group Doc Pages

Page no: GO05
Channel Album (sub) Category on Blog Channels Parent/Mother page for category
(link to backend)
Vimeo Folder Pcloud Path folder Sync
Pages renamed Missing Media, Red Text,
New Page Number
C0x Sales Channel C00 Sales Channel C0x Sales Channel C_Channels\C0x Sales Channel
C1x Newsletter C10 Newsletter C1x Newsletter C_Channels\C1x Newsletter
C2x Mailpoet C20 Mailpoet C2x Mailpoet C_Channels\C2x Mailpoet
C3x RSS C30 RSS C30 RSS C_Channels\C3x RSS
C4x Comments C40 Comments C4X Comments C_Channels\C4x Comments
C5x Community C50 Community C5x Community C_Channels\C5x Community S56b
C6x Contacts C60 Contacts C6x Contacts C_Channels\C6x Contacts
C7x Sales Agent   C70 Sales Agent C7x Sales Agent C_Channels\C7x Sales Agent
C9x Twitter C90 Twitter C9x Twitter C_Channels\C9x Twitter S14, S18, S13,
Legal Album (sub) Category on Blog Legal Parent/Mother page for category   Vimeo Folder Sync Path folder Sync
Pages renamed Missing Media, Red Text,
New Page Number
—> Startup L0x Business Model L00 Business Model

L00 Business Model

L1x Legal L10 Legal L1x Legal L_Legal\L1x Legal
L3x Website Law L30 Website Law L3x Copyright
L4x Legal Agreement L40 Legal Agreement
L5x Payment L50 Payment
Available L6x Startup L60 Startup
L7x Jobs and Personnel L70 Jobs and Personnel L7x Jobs and Personnel L_Legal\L7x Jobs and Personnel
L8x Accounting L80 Accounting L8x Accounting L_Legal\L8x Accounting
L9x Tax L90 Tax
L_Legal\L9x Tax
L99 Concept Cleanup L99 Concept Cleanup L_Legal\L99 Concept Cleanup
Startup Album (sub) Category on Blog Sales Parent/Mother page for category   Vimeo Folder Sync Path folder Sync
Pages renamed Missing Media, Red Text,
New Page Number
To be redone

S00 Blog Sales S0x Blog Sales S Startup\S0x Blog Sales
S1x EasyBacklinks S10 EasyBacklinks S1x Easy Backlinks
S2x PromoteAuthor S20 PromoteAuthor S2x PromoteAuthor S_Startup\S2x PromoteAuthor
S3x PromoteAuthor Tools S30 PromoteAuthor Tools S3x PromoteAuthor Tools S_Startup\S3x PromoteAuthor Tools
S4x Reputation Tools S40 Reputation Tools S4x Reputation Tools S_Startup\S4x Reputation Tools
S5x BeforeItNews S50 BeforeItNews S5x BeforeItNews S_Startup\S5x BeforeItNews
S6x Portable SW Packaging S60 Portable SW Packaging S6x Portable SW Packaging S_Startup\S6x Portable SW Packaging
–S7x S8x Trello to WP S80 Trello to WP S8x Trello to WP S_Startup\S8x Trello to WP
new S8 Legal Form
S9x Startup Plan S90 Startup Plan S9x Startup Plan S_Startup\S9x Startup Plan
S99 Sales Menu Cleanup S99 Sales Menu Cleanup S99 Sales Menu Cleanup S_Sales\S99 Sales Menu
Social MediaT T10-T90 Social Media         basis here  
  T1x Twitter Account   T10 Twitter Account          
  T2x Autotweet   T20 Autotweet            
  T3x ReTweet   T30 ReTweet            
  T4x Twitter Tools   T40 Twitter Tools            
Available T5x             
  T6x Linkedin   T60 Twitter to Facebook            
Available T7x   Change T70 Facebook Page            
S8x Facebook S80 Facebook S8x Facebook S8x Facebook S_Sales\S8x Facebook
  T9x Instagram   T90 LinkedIn            

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