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SP40 Site

George Morgan
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Page no: Sp40

content sourcing


The main menu item for the automated blog creator.


Overview of functionality



Functionality Details on Functionality Main
Works Current
Nice to have
automation comment
Part of Prototype


How to create a satellite website

  1. Prepare hosting for the website

The steps are:

  1. Create new user
  2. Add new website
  3. Create new DB
Full documentation on VestaCP
2. Create a website

Full documentation on Installation of WP
3. At that point the website is ready with:


  • empty WordPress
  • all settings of WordPress and plugins are configured
  • Sahifa template added by default with all settings
  • FeedWP, Youtube Loader ready to be used with all API keys
  • all plugins with the latest versions:
    P:\SyncTeam\$UploadedVideos+Code\SEO Team\#CodeStore\Template\template\wp-content\plugins

Logo in Template,
Footer, About Us,
Terms, Archive,

Single Page, Videos, Tiny Table,

4. Crons

Next step is to run the crons, which will start loading content automatically on the blog.

All documentation about crons
5. Load feeds

The last step is to start loading feeds based on clients’ requirements.

More information about:

Feeds and New Feed

Content-based feeds and How the GUI works

Video feeds and Loading videos

6. Customize the website All information about customizing the website and filling it up with content is
on the customer-specific site, for example

Onyx Plan


6 Satellite Website Decide which website to use
Option 1: Use existing website(s) such as SNBCHF
Option 2: Create keyword-based for a newly registered website
-> Example goldlease.net
7 Automatic sales page insertion Enforce using backlinking tools of SNBCHF Solution:
8 Backlinking to Sales Pages, external websites
SNBCHF Team currently uses external tools
own tools are in development.
9 Automatic Youtube Commenting Post Youtube comments on existing videos that fit into keyword search.
10 Automatic sales page insertion Insert keywords into existing posts on external websites. Access required.  


See more for _SEOTeam