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O68 Story Points

Page no: O68
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Story Points

Firefox/Chrome add-on

  • No cards any more without estimate
  • All cards must have consumption
  • Estimates are given based on comparing old items which have already estimates and consumption
  • Consumptions are given based using 5-10 minutes breaks every hour and planyway calendar
  • Sometimes task consumes more time than the Estimated time
  • Every task has estimated time, if it took more than this time –> put the right number for consumption
Estimation (blue color) Consumption (green color) Meaning
0.5 0.5 30 minutes Estimation and Consumption
1 1 1 hour Estimation and Consumption
2 2 2 to 3 hours Estimation and Consumption
3 3 3 to 6 hours Estimation and Consumption
Estimation and Consumption Points
Estimation and Consumption Points

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