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W76 Auto-Table Global GUI

George Morgan
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Page no: W76


Tinytable Creator: Global GUI

  • Create a GUI in Wp backend
  • Option to turn on/off globally the algo
  • Width and class of the tinytable
  • Option to tell how much chars must be on one row
  • Option to tell if there is no image what to do
  • option to set width of the image
  • option to set width of the two columns
  • option which of the two methods to use: 1) in Frontend 2) in FeedWordpress
Create a GUI Global in WP Backend

Create a GUI Global in WP Backend
Create a GUI Global in WP Backend

- Click to enlarge

Global GUI Test Case

Auto tinytable on / off

Testing cases:

  1. If OFF -> then no tinytable
  2. IF ON -> then tinytable


Global Settings
Global Settings

- Click to enlarge

1.Working, tinytable is showing

TinyTable is Enabled
TinyTable is Enabled

- Click to enlarge

2. Working, tinytable is not showin

TinyTable is Disabled
TinyTable is Disabled

- Click to enlarge

Testing cases:

!Precondtion: We need a post without single image

  1.  Set on “Not use tinytable algo” -> Tinytable algo must be not be used
  2. Set on “Use tinytable algo” ->  Tinytable algo must be used with only one column field, the other one – empty.


TinyTable Algo Ise Global GUI
TinyTable Algo Ise Global GUI

- Click to enlarge


“Not use tinytable algo” -> Tinytable algo must be not be used

TinyTable Algo Disabled
TinyTable Algo Disabled

- Click to enlarge

“Use tinytable algo” ->  Tinytable algo must be used with only one column field, the other one – empty.

TinyTable Algo Enabled
TinyTable Algo Enabled

- Click to enlarge

Testing cases:

  1. Set class to “tinytable” -> the post must look good as usual tinytable
  2. Set class to “TESTtinytable” -> Post must look broken


Set Class Name in Global GUI
Set Class Name in Global GUI

- Click to enlarge


Set class to “tinytable” -> the post must look good as usual tinytable

TinyTable Test Right Class Global
TinyTable Test Right Class Global

- Click to enlarge

Set class to “TESTtinytable” -> Post must look broken

TinyTable Class Test Global
TinyTable Class Test Global

- Click to enlarge

Tinytable width


Testing cases:

  1. Set width to 1200 -> see in code if it is the same
  2. Set width to 600 -> see if the table looks bad

TinyTable Width Global GUI
TinyTable Width Global GUI

- Click to enlarge


Width set to 1200

TinyTable Width Set 1200 Test
TinyTable Width Set 1200 Test

- Click to enlarge

Width set to 600

TinyTable Width Set to 600 Test
TinyTable Width Set to 600 Test

- Click to enlarge


See more for W7x Tables