CM46 Microsoft Remote Desktop

George Morgan
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Windows Versions and Windows Remote Desktop

By default, Windows Remote Desktop will only work on your local network. To access Remote Desktop over the Internet, you’ll need to use a VPN or forward ports on your router.

We’ve covered several solutions for accessing your desktop remotely over the Internet. However, if you have a Professional, Enterprise, or Ultimate edition of Windows, you already have the full Windows Remote Desktop installed. Home versions of Windows only have the remote desktop client for letting you connect to machines, but you need one of the pricier editions in order to connect to your PC. If you’re using Remote Desktop, getting it set up for access over the internet isn’t too difficult, but you will have to jump through a couple of hoops. Before you get started, enable Remote Desktop on the PC you want to access and make sure you can reach it from other computers on your local network.

Step by Step

  1. Install Radmin VPN
  2. Startup automatically (use Tune up or Windows Services)
  3. Connect with Remote Desktop


Option One: Set Up a VPN


Step1: Create VPN Connection

If you create a virtual private network (VPN), you won’t have to expose the Remote Desktop server directly to the Internet. Instead, when you’re away from home, you can connect to the VPN, and your computer will act like it’s part of the same local network as the computer at home, running the Remote Desktop server. This will allow you to access Remote Desktop and other services normally only exposed on your local network.

We’ve covered a number of ways to set up your own home VPN server, including a way to create a VPN server in Windows without any extra software or services.

Setting up a VPN is by far the more secure option when it comes to making Remote Desktop accessible over the internet, and with the right tools, it’s pretty simple to achieve. It is not your only option, though.

Option1: Over VPN

We use the VPN over Radmin. Details see under Radmin

VPN over Radmin
VPN over Radmin

- Click to enlarge

Startup automatically

Startup automatically (Tune up or Windows Services)

MS Remote Desktop Viewer /Client

Step2: Configure IP on Client

We use the Radmin VPN IP addresses

This common problem can occur for a number of reasons.

First, check your network settings – are both computers actually connected to the Internet? It’s always the easiest ones that sneak under the radar! If they are, we’ll move on. The Remote Desktop connection requires either an IP address or a name for the console you’re attempting to view.

Ensure you have the correct IP address for the computer you are trying to connect to using – you’ll have to run it on the other device, or ask someone at the location to do this for you.

Similarly, to find out the computer name of the remote device, you’ll need to select Start Menu > Control Panel > System, and view your computer name and workgroup.

Remote Desktop on Radmin VPN


Use IP from VPN

for computer name use IP from Radmin VPN

Use IP from VPN
Use IP from VPN

- Click to enlarge

MS Remote Desktop over Radmin

Video trello link

Trello Summary: Empty

Step3: Save Custom Connection Settings

If you regularly connect to a number of different servers, you could save time by setting a custom configuration for Remote Desktop. You can set optimum width, height, and colour settings for each server/terminal you connect with.

Open Remote Desktop, and expand the options. You’ll see dialogue boxes for Connection Settings. Select Save As and specify your preferred save location. Then click Save. This creates a custom desktop connection file (.RPD).


Save Custom Connection Settings
Save Custom Connection Settings

- Click to enlarge

Remote Connection Save As

  • Elite Windows 8
  • Elite WIndows 10
  • George BG
  • Oma HP

Remote Connection Save As
Remote Connection Save As

- Click to enlarge

Step4:  Server configuration

Server Remote Access Shortcut Allow Disallow

Server Remote Access Shortcut Allow Disallow
Server Remote Access Shortcut Allow Disallow

- Click to enlarge


Step5: Server must allow Remote Desktop

Remote connections might not be enabled on the terminal you’re trying to reach. On the same System page as above, we can alter this setting by selecting Change Settings, over on the right. This brings up the System Properties. Select the Remote tab and look at your options.

Check “Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer,” if not already selected. Beneath this, you’ll have Remote Desktop options. If the “Don’t allow connections to this computer” option is selected, you’re gonna have a bad time.

You now have two options:

  1. Allow connections from computers running any version of Remote Desktop, and
  2. Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication.

Find the config under System > Remote.


Server Configuration
Server Configuration

- Click to enlarge

Step6: Network level Authentication

If both computers are running an operating system newer than (but also including) Windows 7, you can select option 2. Anything older than Windows 7 will require the first option. The first option can also be used if you’re unsure of the operating system version you’ll be connecting from.

Network Level Authentication “an authentication method that completes user authentication before you establish a full Remote Desktop connection and the logon screen appears,” providing an additional layer of security from malicious software whilst using fewer resources throughout the lifetime of the connection.

 Server Control Panel System Allow Remote Access
ProTip: You can check if your version of Remote Desktop supports Network Level Authentication by clicking top left of the dialogue box, as seen below, and selecting About.

Network Level Authentication
Network Level Authentication

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Step7: Firewall: Allow Traffic on Client and Server

Firewall lets remote desktop software pass on both client and server


Enable Window Remote Desktop

Solution Remote Desktop Tiny Wall
Solution Remote Desktop Tiny Wall

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We use the Whitelist.Need to configure only Remote Desktop on the Inbound Whitelist

Option Two: Expose Remote Desktop Directly to the Internet

You can also skip the VPN and expose the Remote Desktop server directly to the Internet by setting your router to forward Remote Desktop traffic to the PC being accessed. Obviously, doing this opens you up to potential attacks over the internet, so if you go this route you’ll want to understand the risks. Malware and automated hacking apps out there on the internet are pretty much constantly probing your router for weakness like open TCP ports, especially commonly used ports like the one Remote Desktop uses. You should at least make sure you have strong passwords set up on your PC, but even then you’re vulnerable to exploits that might have been discovered but not yet patched. However, while we strongly recommend using a VPN, you can still allow RDP traffic in over your router if that’s your preference.

Remote Desktop access for Mac

Niki doesn’t have access to George – BG and rest computers, due to no Radmin version for Mac.


Microsoft Remote Desktop and now he can access George-BG and all the rest from George-BG.

Microsoft Remote Desktop
Microsoft Remote Desktop

- Click to enlarge


Boost your productivity with a handful of keyboard shortcuts. These are designed for use when accessing Remote Desktop via Run:

  • mstsc /f: Start Remote Desktop in Full-Screen Mode.
  • mstsc /admin: Start Remote Desktop in Admin Mode.
  • mstsc /span: Matches your Remote Desktop session with the local virtual desktop.
  • mstsc /multimon: Matches your Remote Desktop session to the Client Layout.
  • mstsc /edit “connection file”: Opens the .RDP file for editing – change “connection file” to your file name before running the command.

There are also a number of handy shortcuts to use once your Remote Desktop connection is live:

  • CTRL+ALT+PAUSE: Switches your Remote Desktop client between full-screen and windowed mode.
  • CTRL+ALT+BREAK: Force the Remote Desktop into full-screen mode.
  • CTRL+ALT+MINUS: Takes a screenshot of the active Remote Desktop window.
  • CTRL+ALT+PLUS: Takes a screenshot of the entire Remote Desktop.
  • CTRL+ALT+END: Reboots the remote computer.

Information taken from


See more for CM4x Remote