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Page no: M28b




2.  ARVE Migration Plugin



Video and Pics

ARVE Advanced Responsive Video Embedder


Why do we use ARVE?

  • Adjust the size of the videos
  • Add text to videos in the back-end.


Problem: Duplicated Videos


Many videos are duplicated or 3 or 4 times. Apparently a bug with image elevator. When I paste an image, he duplicates the video. Maybe interaction with ARVe.



ARVE TinyMCE Advanced Problem
ARVE TinyMCE Advanced Problem

- Click to enlarge

Tiny Table ARVE Snippet gets Copied instead a normal text
Tiny Table ARVE Snippet gets Copied instead a normal text

- Click to enlarge


Conflict between Image elevator and custom code of ARVE

in a couple of JavaScripts.


The problem is somewhere into arve-admin.js or arve-shortcode-ui.js


ARVE javascript problem

Conflict between Image elevator and custom shortcode of ARVE.


Original Requirement:

  • Change video  size in backend
  • add comments



ARVE javascript problem

Is the reason really a conflict between ARVE and Image Elevator?

After last tests: No, it is only ARVE bug.



 [Work Around]

This video is only a work-around for the problem.

Instead of copying the text, I copied the whole row.

Duplicated Videos WorkAround
M47 Duplicated Videos WorkAround

- Click to enlarge


Option1: Disable ARVE and use WP Shortcode 


Here we have two different problems:

– We can create similar shortcode and everything will work.

– We can use Search & replace plugin and change the code to the WP’s shortcode for videos.


Option2: Similar Shortcode, and use a custom plugin

Here we have two different problems:

– We can create similar shortcode and use our custom plugin to show the video.


Option3: Make fully responsive video

We can make fully responsive video with max width of 600px, which will fix the issue. It will automatically adjusted.

Can I use popup and watch full width?

Yes, it is possible.

Can I write comments to the videos in the backend?

Yes, you can.


Use different plugin

Report bug to ARVE

We send them an email with bug report. After a while we send them a second mail. No response yet.

We report bugs on the WP Forum. If possible with a link to a video. Publish video as public video on Vimeo


ARVE support request


Mail send to ARVE



Your plugin is very good, but we had some problems. We currently have Image elevator (https://codecanyon.net/item/image-elevator-for-wordpress/4311188) installed combined with your ARVE plugin. We have problem with duplicate videos when we copy/paste something.
Firstly, we thought that the problem is somewhere in Image Elevator, but with some time we realise that the problem is somewhere in your code. Not conflict between your plugin and Image Elevator, because we disable all other plugin except ARVE and the problem still there.

It is a simple. When we copy paste text or something on the page, all of the videos are 3 times visible in the frontend and backend. If you paste another text, all of the videos are 3 times visible.

Can you look at your scripts and investigate where is the problem or suggest how we can avoid it. Your plugin is very good and we want to use it in the future.

Thanks in advance!

Best Regards,
WP Pro team

Answer from ARVE

Still no any answer from ARVE support.

Arve Migration Plugin


Implemented problem

Firstly, we tried with a search & replace shortcode, but it breaks some of the shortcodes of the videos. We notice the problem on the final test of the test environment.

So we implement a new shortcode plugin, which transfers the arve shortcode into fully responsive video on the page.

Arve migration plugin

Arve migration plugin

arve custom migration shortcode


Preview from WP BackEnd

No preview possible, see only snippet.

Expected: Preview possible




Problem: Arve migration Plugin Shows only Snippet
M29 Problem: Arve migration Plugin Shows only Snippet


ARVE Migration

  • Box wider than video
  • Title and Date are missing


ARVE Migration
M47 ARVE Migration

- Click to enlarge

ARVE Migration Plugin Duplication

Recently had a duplication of ARVE Migration plugin on O41.


ARVE Migration Plugin Duplication
M29 ARVE Migration Plugin Duplication

- Click to enlarge


Comparison ARVE, ARVE Migration, Native WP

Shows Video Name shows Video date adjustable
Width of box
ARVE  Yes  Yes  Yes
ARVE Migration  Yes  Yes  Yes, but 100% responsive
Native WP  Yes Yes No

Page Cleanup

ARVE About Cleanup Page


See more for M28x Video Embed