PRIV L20e SNBCHF Go-Live Tasks October

Page no: L20e


B1) Menu broken

When adding categories as top-level menu items, then ithe menu has two rows, one with the name and one with the category description.

We do not want the category description


B2) Category Description in Archives

Archives contain category description. We do not want them.

We create a parameter if we show the description in the archive, see below in B6.


B3) Pic Cat Default

Default for Pictured Category Archives shall be bio under cat pic and not Logo


Menu Broken

B4) Pic Cat Button: “Choose” instead “upload”

Most category pictures are chosen from existing images. Hence write “choose” instead “upload” on the button.


B5) Bio text for the bio in archives

When the bio is shown in the category archive then we write “The Author” or maybe “The curator”.

It must be modifiable.

Therefore we need new field in the back-end, where we can set the bio text.

However, this is only the default value.


Bio Text2

B6) Set bio text for each category

New Functionality:  (If we can do this in 1 hour work.)

A bio text can be set on each category inside the PromoteAuthor settings of the category.

Similar the author text in the Follow Author plugin, it helps to distinguish real authors and the case, when we speak “about” people. An example see the snbchf home page.

It will take 2h, OPEN

B8) Bug:

Why do authors etc. show “” and not in Google seach?

I cannot find it in SEO plugin

Google start generating the titles based on the content and it is not follow strictly the Meta Title. All the pages started getting dynamic titles based on Google opinion. Probably it recognize the SNB and CHF as separate words. I don’t think we can do anything.


B9) Remove  author, disclaimer on all page

Many pages/posts have



inside the post.

Remove this text, because we have now the Follow Author plugin.

Use better search replace plugin


B10)  Fix archives display

problem archive


Archives issues

B11) Archive monetary metals broken

The widget come under the archive page and not to the left


 Archives Monetary Metals Bug

B13) Jetpack Stats and steps after migration

Jetpack stats are broken because we used the same token on

See Steps after copying a DB.

DONE, will fix with jetpack ticket

B14) Cron for snbchf does not work

The last post by Keith Weiner was not incorporated.


B15) Full posts on Syndication Feed

Our RSS feed contains full posts from Monetary Metals, but we want only excerpts.

The problem is that the excerpt contains the full post in HTML form.


B16) Synchronize Footer menu with Main Menu



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