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W61 Header Images

Page no: W61



Header Images on Top of the Page

We use different images for the top of our pages and replace the simple menu.

The design could similar to snbchf, an integration of a template image and the menu

Current Simple Menu, that we will improve

snbchf top images

Example for an image on the top

This is the result: AustrianH Image

Left side: Greeks with Stockman replacing one, Right side: Content image for Austrian

Basis for Austrian:

aristle plato socratesGreek DiscussionPlato Anselm_Feuerbach_002

We can use this also on other blogs Plato Anselm_Feuerbach_002
A very first design looks very promising. It replaces the image of the wise Greek with their own faces, e.g. Stockman in the picture below.
We shall use the Austrian image with a title in the middle.
the left side is “Fun“, the right side is real content. Additionally we need the name somewhere, e.g. in the logo.
AustrianH Image

Left side: Greeks with Stockman replacing one, Right side: Content image for Austrian


Similarly we will replace a head for the cheerleaders in our leaders blogs. To the right side we use the old cheerleader image on the top domain ecoblog and on the left side the cheerleaders.



Similarly we will replace a head for the cheerleaders in our leaders blogs. To the right side we use the old cheerleader image on the top domain ecoblog and on the left side the cheerleaders.

Since we changed to leaders.economicblogs.org  this is currently out of scope.



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