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PRIV P35e Lists

George Morgan
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Page no: P35e


Put only things specific for the object list, nothing else (in particular NOT details about stop-words lists or tag-based lists)



Definition: List

A list is a collection of one or more items, separated by comma.

Item: An item is one or multiple words.


Lists on DB

Table / Attribute where lists are stored.

Are items stored seperatedly?

  [screenshot from DB]

Types of lists

Dimension 1:

  1. Stop Word List: We have multiple stop words lists depending on the grammar of the language.The following 2 and 3 are Non-Stop Word Lists
  2. Key Phrases: Usually entered manually on a master list.
  3. Tag-Based List: The words in the list are tags. Tag-based lists
    cannot be modified. For a modification one must edit the tags.

Dimension 2: 

  • Master List:  Typically users like to enter new words only in a
    single place – called Master.
  • Slave List: A slave list is a copy from the master list.

The type of list, i.e. the two dimensions should be a DB attribute on the list.



Edit list manually

Lists can be edited manually in the above GUI. Update button to save them.


Order list

We have two buttons or two entries in a drop-down list.

Which of the two depends on effort.

  1. Order Alphabetically. (default is alphabet ascending). If we use a button, then we might also use alphabet descending
  2. Order first by length of the item (ascending), then by alphabet.


Sync List

A list can be synced between a master and slave object according to the types and methods below.

P03g P03e Sync

- Click to enlarge

Types of Sync

  • List Sync: Copy all words from the master list into the slave list
  • Tag-based Sync: Copy all tags  from one more WordPress DBs (the masters) into one or more
    tag-based lists (the slaves).

Synchronization Method

  • Override: The sync is always a copy that overrides the list on the slave.
  • One-Directional: The sync adds all new items from the master to the slave.
    After this operation the slave may have more items than the master.
  • Bi-Directional: The sync adds missing items to both slave and master.



Bi-Directional for List Type 1 and 2
One-Directional for Tag-Based



See more for P35x URL StopWords