P77 Menu Sync

Page no: P77


Video and Pics

New menu for IT site

Currently we need a lot of time to sync the menu with the pages. And it will take more and more time, because the menu becomes bigger.

We can make similar widget like this one in sidebar for the menu, which will have benefits:

1) It will be always synced
2) It will save time to the team for not sync it after every new page


Currently we have fully automatically synced menu for our documentation website. When new page appear in the website,  we position the same way as the widget in the sidebar. We use the page title for name in the menu.


We can introduce a new field called “Menu title” where we can show smaller title for the menu,


IT Menu
IT Menu

- Click to enlarge


Page Status

Doc site menu broken

I can choose only public pages as mother page, for a Private Page !!

with each page update all pages get out of the menu

We did a small workaround with a filter hook.

function hook_private_motherpages( $args ) {

$args[‘post_status’] = array( ‘publish’, ‘private’ );
return $args;

add_filter( ‘page_attributes_dropdown_pages_args’, ‘hook_private_motherpages’ );
add_filter( ‘quick_edit_dropdown_pages_args’, ‘hook_private_motherpages’ );

3-Level Menu

The WordPress Plugin Menu has little bug.
on a 3 level menu, the items on the 2nd level are not shown.



 Menu Cannot Open Page

Some page on 2nd level cannot be opened.

Fixed Bug in the plugin with generating URLs.

Plugin Name:

Added to Plugin Directory:

P:\SyncTeam\$TeamStore\Wordpress Team\P Plugins CodeStore

P:\SyncTeam\$TeamStore\SEO Team\#CodeStore\Template\template\wp-content

Pic Cat Menu:

Using Sahifa Custom Image instead Pictured Category breaks menu

1) Custom URL image is our field and it is used for buttons like “home” and “go to other ecoblogs”.
2) All the sahifa functionalities is removed from here. This is ours functionality
3) When you type invalid data into the “Custom Image URL” it is absolutely possible to break the menu. You should add only valid urls, then there will be no problem. For example you can see “home” link on every single screen.

See more for P7x Homepage, Widgets, Menu