PRIV P54 Pictured Category Menu

Page no: P54




The Pictured Category Menu is inspired by the menu item picture and mega-menu functionality from Sahifa.

The menu shows category picture, category name and if possible, the latest posts/pages.

It is a new plugin based on Pictured Category Light and Pro.
It might be part of Pictured Category Pro, to be discussed




Menu settings in Sahifa back-end:

This is a pre-build functionality from Sahifa. We customize it a lot, so we can use for our needs.

Under Appearance -> Menus and when we editing a item in the menu.

There we see the Menu background field. This is the needed functionality. First we upload the picture via Media and get the real link. Then under Mega Menu Background Image field we add the link. And that’s it. The rest is code modifications.

We do not need the full mega menu!! In particular we do not need a different picture in the menu for our category.

Cat Pic in Menu

Our Design

Back-end functionality in menus:

We use inside the edit menu function.


Add Category Picture and Name to Menu

Front-end functionality

The expected outcome should be similar to what we see on Economicblogs. Our functionality can be a lot easier.


Sahifa shows category picture and a list of posts. It does not show the name of the category.

Pictured Category Menu when clicking on the Keith Weiner menu item

Our design:
Must have: We want to show category picture and the name of the category together or only one of them.

Nice to have: If not too complicated, we show the latest posts or pages with their featured images.


Is the mix of text categories and pictured categories allowed in the menu?

Yes, it is allowed

Pic Cat in Menu Frontend


Pictured Category Menu must show Author pic, not Category Pic


This is an urgent change, that should be done this week.

In the top left corner you see the associated author of the category Inside Paradeplatz

It was a pic cat bug, where we still show the pic cat, not the author. The problem was in the if statement, but now works fine.

no good example, because CAT = Author

PicCat menu on phone

The pictured category menu looks good on Ipad2 (tested on

as a different vertical design. In the vertical design the full menu does not open, but only a part of it (Ipad Pictured Cat Menu on Horizontal) IPad_Simple_Menu_on_Vertical.PNG
on Vertical  IPad_Small_Menu_Icon_on_Vertical.PNG
The pictured category menu on Iphone 5 (Horizontal) Author_Pages_Iphone5


See more for P5x Plugins for Categories