PRIV F02 Feedly

Page no: F02


One example for curated content is

Feedly Curated Content2

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George’s newly created Feedly content

We have created different curated content lists in Feedly:

  1. Anglophone Economists Feedly List
  2. European Economy Feedly List
  3. Economic News Feedly List
  4. Central Banks Feedly List
  5. Economic syndication List

Feedly Curated Content

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We can’t parse the Feedly content. Feedly doesn’t give us such an option. We can make a custom parser, which is not via RSS and try to parse the html of feedly, but I don’t think this will be easy task.problem is that Feedly doesn’t give RSS feed of the category. The only way we can parse public category is to create a parser with which we have to parse the html, get what we need and show it into the site.

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