Т29A Social Autoposter Config

George Morgan
My articles
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Page no: Т29A

WordPress: NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster





Must Requirements:

from overview page

  1. Costs: No too expensive
  2. Content: We want to new content from our blogs
  3. Authors: One author per blog
  4. Tweet Scheduling (image for best): Tweet must come in regular modifiable intervalls.
    Better do not tweet than tweeting too much!
  5. Tweet Text (image for best) Twitter handle of the post author inside the tweet, shorten URL
  6. Tweet Image: The tweet must contain the featured or first image
  7. Filtering (image for best): Basis filtering: Must be able to exclude categories
  8. Social Networks: Twitter, Facebook
  9. Bugs: No bugs for must functionality


Nice to Have:

  1. Costs: better one license for all blogs than paying per site,
    build it if too expensive
  2. Content: Tweet old content
  3. Authors (image for best): Multiple author tweeting, i.e. all our authors from all blogs
  4. Tweet Scheduling: 
  5. Tweet text: Category inside tweet
  6. Tweet Image:
  7. Filtering: Detailed filtering in combination with scheduling: different schedules per category, exclude single posts (twittly can do this).
  8. Network: Other
  9. Bugs: no bugs for nice to have functionality

General Settings and Advanced settings


General settings are the settings by default, if you set them, they will work for all social networks, which we use.

If you want to change the settings (to be different from General Settings) for only one social networks, then you use advanced settings.

SNAP Queue bug

. - Click to enlarge

Filter Configuration

The filter configuration should work for both functionalities

Filter: Austrian: Zerohedge

Exclude Category Zerohedge on Austrian

attention: Include, exclude

It is said “exclude Zerohedge”. The tags field is empty. Unfortunately, here we have bug with Zerohedge and excluding categories.



Show all categories on snbchf

you must show categories not posts

The category menu is different and it is empty.


Test the configuration

Submit to Twitter

After configuration change, submit to twitter

This only sends a test post, this needs to be improved for testing the filters.


New Task: Improve test post, so that it 

  • sends a real post
  • applies to rules (categories, tags)





Tweet old content

Old Config:

Snbchf: 5 days (many FX posts, old FX posts are not interesting)

Austrian: 90 days (a lot of theory, less economic data)

Central-Banks: 30 days (a lot of economic data, not interesting after 30 days)

Heterodox: 90 days (a lot of theory, less eco data, less posts)

Leaders: 60 days

Macro: 25 days (macro is essentially economic data, which is not interesting after 20 days)

Swiss: 90 days (less ecodata, except snbchf)

New Config

Snbchf: 10 days, all categories

Austrian: 90 days (a lot of theory, less economic data) –> Reduce to 30 days, tweet more often

Central-Banks: 30 days

Heterodox: 90 days (a lot of theory, less eco data, less posts) –> Reduce to 30 day, every 30 min

Leaders: 60 days –> Reduce to 20 days, increase tweet speed by 2

Macro: 25 days (macro is essentially economic data, which is not interesting after 20 days) –> Reduce to 15 days, increase tweet speed by 2

Swiss: 90 days (less ecodata, except snbchf) –> Reduce to 30 days, increase tweet speed

Work-Around for Testing it

Enable for short time 3minutes

and press update account info

Remove retweets from twitter account

In Summer 2017, the social auto poster was tweeting old posts from 2015 and
George Dorgan retweeted them.
To avoid bad reputation the team had to remove the retweets.

Social Auto Poster Find Settings





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