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L37 Download

Page no: L37
Explanation Further Info

 Legal Questions

Switzerland: Download is legal in Switzerland

Source1: Konsumentenschutz
Source2: Tagesanzeiger

But upload is not.






download not allowed

Streaming allowed

Storage on Cloud

Storage of the data in a U.S. cloud is prohibited.




  1. You can legally have copies… as long as you didn’t make copies.

  2. Any copies you have must exist for the purpose of replacing the original in the case of loss or damage, not for sharing, selling, or “personal ease of use.”

  3. Even if you successfully save copyrighted material to a service like Google Drive, being caught may result in the deletion of your account or in legal action, depending on the circumstances.


Pcloud Acceptable Use

“violate or infringe other people’s intellectual property, privacy, publicity, or other legal rights”

Encrypt before the uploadP



Further Info

Dropbox does file hash investigations


Youtube: Embed

  • Embed explicitly allowed –> if not restricted in Youtube Allow Embed



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