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C25a Sign-Up Confirmation Catcha

Page no: C25a
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Sign-up confirmation


 Trello tasks

According to GDPR Law double-opt in is obligatory. This functionality is a MUST for us.

How to setup a confirmation can be seen on the video from Mailpoet documentation.

How the mails are sent until now can be found here.


Currently we have a problem with confirmation email. The settings are the right one in Mailpoet plugin, but we still not get confirmation email and the subscriber got confirmed.

Sign-up Confirmation
Sign-up Confirmation

- Click to enlarge

After further investigation, we found that the problem is not from this version of MailPoet, but from old version and old form of Mailpoet, which automatically adds the user as subscriber without confirmation.

We recreated and styled the subscription forms from the new version of MailPoet and confirmation mail received.  Now all works fine.

Email Confirmation
Email Confirmation

- Click to enlarge

Sign-up captcha

We had a problem with spam subscribers and not received a confirmation emails.

Because of that we introduce a temporary solution until we fix all our problems. We introduce a captcha which will stop all spam request for the moment.

This is not a perfect solution, but it was a quick win. We removed the captcha when we fix the problems with confirmation emails.

Sign-up captcha
Sign-up captcha

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